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Hi Lads have noticed last couple of weeks getting more calls and sent out alot of quotes but not many getting back to me!Think this is due to bods under-cutting me.I have not dropped my prices.Have any of you lads dropped youre prices or stayed the same?
I havent dropped my prices but ive been undercut quite a few times for silly rates.
Would you consider your prices at the higher end of the scale? if so your going to expect to get a smaller precentage of your quotes, the same generally applies at the other end of the scale.
Do you know why youre not getting calls back? Its a good idea to give the customers a 'curtesy call' after a week or so if you havent heard and just gently prod the info out of them, politely of course. A lot of people will be happy to tell you what they decided to do and why. It may be someone else came recommended, friend of a friend or somesuch... it may be your van looks like a skip, it may be you smell like a wino or it may be some idiot has gone in at 60 quid on a 200 quid job and got it cos he's got the gift of the gab?

I only usually call back on larger jobs, and if theyve almost decided on someone else you may just swing the job back in your favour...

All domestic customers have different expectations, its knowing what these expectations are (or finding them out when you go to look at the job) that gives you the edge...

It also depends on your overheads...

A one man band is bound to be cheaper than someone running 10 lads and a bird on the phone...

edit: here we go again.. ::)
I charge £200 a day And before this period 9 times outa 10 Of course on smaller jobs look at job give them quote there and then and get the job straight away no problem!
I priced a job late last year to k-rend a outside, really awkward building (not an easy job) it was around 450 m2 going right over a few roofs it was a nightmare, so priced it at £4000 labour only then some one came in £2500 supply and fit :o so we said let um have the f**k**g job >:( but even now it still havent been finished theres block showing through and last time i spoke to the builder he never paid them a penny and he got thrown off the job and took for 70 grand ;D
bodplasterer said:
I priced a job late last year to k-rend a outside, really awkward building (not an easy job) it was around 450 m2 going right over a few roofs it was a nightmare, so priced it at £4000 labour only then some one came in £2500 supply and fit :o so we said let um have the (french word)ing job >:( but even now it still havent been finished theres block showing through and last time i spoke to the builder he never paid them a penny and he got thrown off the job and took for 70 grand ;D
4000 grand you must off been mad not eeven £9 a mtr, and the twot that put 2.5 k well that would of bought half of the gear, nearly ??? ??? ??? ???
Yeah thats what we worked out he must of had a shi,t hot deal on k-rend, plus he asked us to put in our cheapest rate the builder still ows me £40 and my lab done 2 days stripping wall paper for him before christmas and never got paid
Hello Mate
Don't forget that some people are just cheap, did a quote some time ago, did the curtesy call about a week later, guy got 3 quotes my quote and another were within £200 of each other and the other was £700 less and he went with the cheap one
I was done earlier this year after christmas we were supposed to start a job we had been out to 3 or 4 times going through the job with this bloke he was saying we definatley had the job our price was right and we left it at that so we were to start a week into the new year 2 weeks later we have not heard from him so decides to give him a bell so then he starts giving us s**t saying he is waiting on elecrics so a month passes by decides to give him another bell then he tells us he got his mate in there as he was out of work :o f**k**g cheers then for letting us know >:( so the other week i did a little job for his brother in law who put us onto the job in the first place and he told us he was gutted that his plastering ended up costing more than what we quoted as his mate did it all on day work and he wants us to finish the rest off i said he could go fuckhimself and get some one else ;D
bodplasterer said:
I priced a job late last year to k-rend a outside, really awkward building (not an easy job) it was around 450 m2 going right over a few roofs it was a nightmare, so priced it at £4000 labour only then some one came in £2500 supply and fit :o so we said let um have the (french word)ing job >:( but even now it still havent been finished theres block showing through and last time i spoke to the builder he never paid them a penny and he got thrown off the job and took for 70 grand ;D

to be fair iv never ever single coated k rend, on the same note iv also never ever EVER used k rend. so stand to reason i dont no what i on about. fact
never worry if someone is getting work if there cheaper than you, only worry when there getting work and there more expensive
;D ;D Very true, Its funny you say that as we priced a job the other day and was told there lowest quote so we wacked on £300 on top and still got the job ;D
Once did a house for someone, one other gang and myself had been recommended and I got the job, anyway all the way through the job the bloke was a right pain in the arse, kept trying to lump on more work and didn't think he should pay any extra for it. I finished the job he thanked me for doing a good job and not stinging him on the extras, paid straight away and then told me the other gangs price was DOUBLE mine, I could have cried :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
im just doing a job paintin a 5 sotry high hall stairs and landing no prep just paint ceilings and walls i have a painter in at £90 a day it will take him 2 days but i got the price at £1250 and spent £230 on paint . that thats a nice one :-) but i did a job there last year were i slogged my balls off for less than £80 a day after a 2 day £450 job!
Yea Chris has got a good point there...you have to work out what your customers expectations are some jobs you can make good money from doing a good job instead of an excellent job...and some jobs you can lose money if you do an excellent job when all that would have done is a good job.

I haven't dropped my prices...instead i'm doing work for other builders and still putting my quotes in as and when I get them but not relying on them. The builders i'm working for at the moment are established in property maintenance and are flat out.
i dont care what people make on my money as long as i get what i want. if everyone makes money then everyone is happy. I always pay good spreads better money than the rest.
simplybesty said:
never worry if someone is getting work if there cheaper than you, only worry when there getting work and there more expensive

quote of the month 8)

simplybesty said:
i dont care what people make on my money as long as i get what i want. if everyone makes money then everyone is happy. I always pay good spreads better money than the rest.

quote of the month 2 8)

they should be on the header for the site...
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