uk spreads wont let me in wot did i do

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I no you lot are trapesing around in there find out why the f**k ive been cast aside like an old sweety sock (this is not a racist attack on scottish people) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,wounded,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,utterly mithed and peathed and f**k um
You haven't been banned ;D they have a new site , the old one got hacked and everything on there has gone BB had stepped down not wishing to take part anymore , he handed the forum to a guy Called Dave ( top fella ) who was going to try and re build the forum without political content for one year, the forum had been locked to new members for a while now and Dave was going to open it up to everyone that night it was hacked ??? Dave must be gutted he put a lot of work into trying to make a new start and letting everyone have a say something the old forum sadly lacked .
im not stressed just cant register or fook all think ive been blackballed or something shame really ive been on there yrs could of been a great forum if it hadnt been so pollitical
church just to put the record straight....i didnt hack into it this time.....other times yes but not for a good year or so....i swear
i dont think it was hacked i reckon it was an excuse to bow his head ......he wouldnt say ive had enough of this im out would he?..... he might actually enjoy being on the other side of the bar
phippsy333 said:
church just to put the record straight....i didnt hack into it this time.....other times yes but not for a good year or so....i swear
Fair comment..... lets see what happens tbh its not a bad forum compared with the likes of others
I pm'd the admin asking if they could change their title because it was copying our name...all done in a nice fashion.

They said yup they would which I appreciate, but i dont see why it needed to be made public

Hey ho fairplay for changing it

Good luck Big bud

danny there site says a plasterers forum not the plasterers forum .....does this count ?......
i say good luck dave in the new forum ..really i do .best thing he'll ever do is getting rid of king big bum the fat 's are for learning not dictating ...... :o
bb is dave we all know that over here in OZ upset far too many spreads. Ask him.
theres dave the administrator and dave aka big bud ......if there both dave then either bbs a schitzo or dave the admin chaps a nice bloke and is willing to have a go at it
are you sure you didnt type youre name it right you numpty ???
if u look in the general plastering section some1 has asked ''what the best trowel is'' and if u look at the rule's (no 12) it say's your not aloud to ask ''whats best'' so i think he should be banned lol.
it might be an error mate theres other lads struggling to get in
spunkybum said:
it might be an error mate theres other lads struggling to get in

na im definatly banned....... just went to the first email i got from ukspreads. and clicked on the link and it said this user dosn't exsist. is there another way in lol
The problem could be where it's a new forum they could be using a new database, in which case yours and everyones old user names will have been deleted, try re-registering with your old user name, i did and am now waiting to be activated by a moderator.
phippsy got to work today and the skip had about thirty black bags of weed plants dumped in it people were coming up walking off with loads of it
have you ssen the state of it in there murph?.....its a miserable old farts convension......excluding harry of course ;)
hes sound as a pound mate, you'd get on well with him you seem to have a lot in common ;D
Wizrd should have been at the side of it charging per bag lol..... wheres your entrepreneurial skills where were u haverhill?
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