Tyolean how do you do it ??? How do you spell it ??? lol

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Private Member
Hi guys,

I have a Tyolean job to do next week on an extension so just wondering how you guys would attack it IE: what mix would you use ???.

Im not buying that the pre mixed gear as I have to match the existing house.

Also where can I buy one of those green plastic guns, i normally hire them but am looking to buy.


Hi Richard ,is it a blockwork extenison ? the only place ive seen a plastic flicker is on goldtrowels site
Yeah its a blockwork new build extension church.

The only ones i can find on the bay stone are the metal ones and I dont like them

Rich c
I paid 85quid for my tyrol gun from keyline, there the best ones the green ones imo, Last one i did was in white silicon scrape render, looked the dogs when it was done, make sure you mask the windows etc cos it sprays on the glass when you do the reveals, If your doing it in mortar you'd have to put lime in the backing coat to create suction for the texture
pftmonojetman said:
I paid 85quid for my tyrol gun from keyline, there the best ones the green ones imo, Last one i did was in white silicon scrape render, looked the dogs when it was done, make sure you mask the windows etc cos it sprays on the glass when you do the reveals, If your doing it in mortar you'd have to put lime in the backing coat to create suction for the texture
was it just normal webber mixed up wet mate?
spunkybum said:
pftmonojetman said:
I paid 85quid for my tyrol gun from keyline, there the best ones the green ones imo, Last one i did was in white silicon scrape render, looked the dogs when it was done, make sure you mask the windows etc cos it sprays on the glass when you do the reveals, If your doing it in mortar you'd have to put lime in the backing coat to create suction for the texture
was it just normal webber mixed up wet mate?
Just used white K-rend for the texture and white Krend for the backing finished with wood float over an ocr base scratch white beads for drips and reveals
Really easy to do mate just make sure you mask up well cos it does go every where, also if you don't do a lot of tyrolean then just buy a cheap gun for twenty quid (works OK) instead of having eighty quid sat in your lock up for years on end , I'm assuming you will be using cullamix on a 6:1:1 background (sand/cement/lime) just mix it up to a thick soup consistency for a light to med finish and keep it agitated in the bucket whilst applying and just keep the gun moving slowly building up your desired finish , A bit of a cheat is to apply a wet mix on the hardest setting on the gun to really splatter the stuff onto the wall so you got like a primer coat on and the renders all pretty much the same colour then before putting your finish coats on, so if you get any misses you don't get any grin through, be carefull not to get any wet patches or you will end up with bloom , keep the gun moving and don't be tempted to rush it or lay it on too thick at once , Good luck mate
I have done plenty before but i can never get it like some jobs i have seen IE: very tight but perfect finish, mine always seems a bit all over the place.

I usually wisk up a 3-1 mix so you guys think 2-1 is better ???

wots that stuff calld that comes in metal drums, thick as porridge, coloured and rubbery.. doesnt that go on wih a tyrolean gun?
bigsegs said:
wots that stuff calld that comes in metal drums, thick as porridge, coloured and rubbery.. doesnt that go on wih a tyrolean gun?
Are you on about the Weathertex stuff or just the acrylics mate
proly the weathertex.. tried sticking some on with a brush once over a patch..
like trying to get bogies off yer fingers.. ;D
Didnt know people still did tyrolean any more though i have seen the guns over here in Spain when i did it many moons ago it was premixed bag i thought it was just called a bag of tyrolean but hat was along time ago.
the correct way to tyroleanis in 3 passes 1st time left to right at 45degrees nice and lightly 2nd pass 45 degrees right to left nice and lightly 3rd way straight on nice and light and finished
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