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It’s A Boy
Bone tomahawk

Anyone got any decent films to watch apart xnxx xhamster and redtube......ive already exhausted myself !!
I watched the magnificent seven last night right up to the start of the final massive gun fight where I fell asleep and woke up to 4 graves and the end credits.
if there's a return of the magnificent seven planned I'm guessing they'll be needing a Ouija board
Great film ......true story.
Poor f**k**s put up with some shite without any help !!
I read the book and then saw the film, moving, at the time the biggest loss of SF the yanks ever had. They named a ship after the guy that went to the top of the hill to phone for help! Brave man, knew he wouldn't come back. For all you fitness fans his fav' workout has been adopted by cross fit gyms......called Murph.....give it a go lads.......killer.
Memento by Chris Nolan (same guy did. Inception) both top films.
And 'dead man's shoes' if you like em British.
Cmon dropsalot think outside the box! Nxt ull be saying shawshank redemption and goodfellas :)..
Can't help it, nostalgia see, was gonna say shooter, but then thought true grit, either version, the mechanic is good too, sopranos box set all at once......scarface as well
That a genuine film? Thought u was taking piss?

Put it on your tele on youtube....type in "bone tomahalk sub"
I woke up this morning at 5.30 went for a fag and thought i was being attacked !!!
It was the her washing on the f**k**g washing line !!
A film that grips ya !!


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Put it on your tele on youtube....type in "bone tomahalk sub"
I woke up this morning at 5.30 went for a fag and thought i was being attacked !!!
It was the her washing on the f**k**g washing line !!
A film that grips ya !!
Il c If its on a movie streaming app over wkend
Been looking at bone tomahawk, will watch that soon. My all time fave films, Un Prophet, Tree of Life, A Separation.