to those who staple there angle beads!!!!!!!!

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New Member
hi folks, been to see a mate of mine who's having some work done maybe by one of you guys out there..... done 2 rooms and re skimming a 3rd,,, and i've noticed he's stapled his angle beads to the wall..... i thought this was a great idea..... any of you guys do this if so can you recommend a decent stapler you use.... cheers ;)
hi mate
we used to use a heavy duty stapler, i cud neva really get used to it. but some of lads still use it...its abit of a task trying 2 postion the stapler so tht the staples go the holes on the wings of ya bead.but each to there own

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that was the bad boy...hope it helps ya out pal ;D
ive added ya email mate, hope ya dont mind....ill keep in touch if i get anything

got some stuff comin up
2-3 weeks......extensions..

what ya afta a day?
Have been using Rapid heavy duty staplers for about fifteen years, they have two guide marks on the front to help you hit the holes in the beads(I know that's not really the reason they are there). Before these I used to use Arrow staplers but find the Rapid ones last better.
ye i kno mate, i kno they hav guiders,
buts its a pain in the a*se when ya workin at speed n ya need 2 precisley place the stapler on the bead where the guiders r to hit the hole, im not sayin that they rubbish no means.....but id just rather stick my beads or nail em,
like i sed each to there own bud
king if you see the front of the stapler you can put two marks down the front with a marker pen an line them up with the holes in the bead works a treat ;)
yeah its spot on only problem iv had is when i do reskims and beading over old beads they sometimes dont grip and just bend
I use a rapesco because it is lighter on the trigger than some others and this is handy for bulk heads/soffits/defletion heads etc. B an Q do em and they take all kinds of staples. its a fast method but - Never use on areas that can be moist or damp in the air such as cellar or a bathroom as they do rust over time in these conditions and the rust bleeds through.
I use a stapler from b&q think its called tacwise with 15mm galvanised brad nails. Dont need to line stapler up as the nails go straight through the bead and hold in place. Gripfill is another good method run a bead down inside of bead and whack it on job done. ;)
We've been nailing beads with 40mm galv ringshanked nails for years except on solid corners when we dot and dab them. One of the companys we work for have had us back a couple of times for snagging as the beads are cracking around windows and doors on some jobs! We could'nt understand it as its never happened before. After much thought we agreed it might be the way the windows and doors have been fitted and are causing movement. Anybody had a similar problem or suggestion as to what may be causing this?
i reckon the only time they'll crack is when theyve been hit ...stapling beads are fine if its board and a square edge i put three staples down one side and the skim does the rest ......if youre struggling on reskims get the staples on and give them a tap with a hammer if this doesnt work stick em
ant said:
ye somtimes use carpet adesive its in a can just spay and stick in an instant
i used to do this quite a bit if i had some spray adhesive.. its quick but you need to spray both surfaces, do the whole room/job then go back and stick em on when its dry.. expensive really though cos a can dont go far.. and theres always the chance of you spraying the mix bucket with evo stick!
kebab king said:
I have a Paslode gun , fixes straight through the bead into any surface .
do you have stainless nails with em? wont they rust otherwise?
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