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New Member
I was thinking of starting to offer tiling as work is slow but don't know what to charge

Can any one help!
Hi m8

I tile. Alot to consider when pricing...can be quite tricky. Got to consider what materials to use on different substrates theses vary alot in price. Got to consider the type of tile you are laying, ceramics cheap...natural stone expensive. Got to consider how many holes to be cut (using diamond hole cutters, pipes) also how tricky the cuts are around the room. Does room need prior prep. e.g overboarding, patching etc. I find its better to price large areas by square metre. Sometimes you will find small jobs say kitchen splash backs where it works out better for you to price on a day rate rather than a meterage rate. Good money though e.g if you had 30m2 floor laying ceramics straight run could be done in a day £780 thats including adhesive and grout. :)

big floors = big money! :)
usually the customer. Best thing to do m8 is get in with your local tile shop..i use CTD. They give me a voucher booklet. I give a voucher to the customer they get 15% off and I make 15% on all tiles etc that they buy in store. Most tile shops will set up terms like this for you. So when you go to quote if customer has not got tiles give them a voucher and recommend ure local store...having said that i usually do this and the customer usually avoids the tile shop i recommend and goes to B&Q or Wickes thinking they will save...but usually end up paying more in labour because diy stores tiles are tricky to lay (poor tiles) so higher labour costs. You have to be quite precise with your pricing because tiling materials are so expensive...i lose quite a few jobs to guys who go in PVA the walls and tile with B&Q adhesive and grout in 1, not good practice. Need more advice m8 check out www.tilersforums.co.uk
freed if i go on a 4 day tiling couse do you think i could earn a grand a week???????
lol the million dollar question...its possible but the 4 day course is only going to give you a taste. I did a week course and since finishing that about 6 months ago i've been solidly reading up on materials, substrates, hole cutting, different types of tile, laying different patterns, etc etc etc it goes on forever so much to learn and practice. But as a plasterer you will be fine, good setting out is often the key to good tiling. I doubt very much u'll earn a grand a week in domestic tiling...but certainly in commercial if you were doing large conservatory floors for examlple day in day out...but ure gonna have to be a a fast quality fixer to win those contracts.

defo a good skill to add but u'll soon find that u will need to be able to do basic plumbing also.
Thanks for the help Freed

I've abit of tiling and was just thinking of tring to pick up the odd job here and there to try and supplement the income (of which there isn't any at the minute)

I'll check out the website
i'd just do the plastering course chris ...you can earn a grand a week and save money on the plumbing course ;)
freed whats your username on tilers forums? where did you train??
Alright m8 trained with Darren @ North East Tiling good course but very intense. Wouldn't recommend it for people new to building trade...or hoping to rely on tiling alone for an income, its purely a basic introduction. Most pro tilers have done 2 year apprenticeships. I reckon a 4 week course would have made me feel more confident. Fortunately i've had alot of support from guys on tilersforums...same username m8.
FreeD said:
Alright m8 trained with Darren @ North East Tiling good course but very intense. Wouldn't recommend it for people new to building trade...or hoping to rely on tiling alone for an income, its purely a basic introduction. Most pro tilers have done 2 year apprenticeships. I reckon a 4 week course would have made me feel more confident. Fortunately i've had alot of support from guys on tilersforums...same username m8.

ah i also trained there, highly recommend the course 8) did it at the end of april or may. tilers forums is deffinately the place to go for info for tilers, forums arms is a godsend! 8)
yea course is good...i was more impressed with Darrens business skills though...that guy is sh*t hot.
totally agree there mate, top advice, think everyone on the course is shocked with the ammount of stuff they learn from him, the one thing i wasnt too keen on tho.. was that tracey kept making me coffee with 3 sugars yet i clearly stated 2 :o
TrowelADDICT said:
MrSpoon85 said:
TrowelADDICT said:
tiled my barthroom and kitchen never again......


do u want to see a photo of my tiling

well i was hoping it was that one of you in the pink bikini with marigolds on and a feather boa ;) but yeah go on then show us your tiling ;D

this is my bathroom and not a customers.
looks spot on, i was expecting it to be a total mess! how come you wont do it again?
just done my head right in...... its not bad for a diy job, but lacks a pro finish which u cant see from the photo. im happy with it, but if it was in a customers house they would probably pick holes in it.
i hate grouting and silicone with a passion! ive been to look at a job today, skim ceiling and tile the bathroom walls nice job will provide me with some money for christmas 8)
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