this is what its come to for me

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cancelled sky sports and got basic -saving £30/mth

stoped smoking-£160/mth

no more newspapers-£30/month

no more going to football(bpool fc)-£100/mth

no more drinking in pubs-£50/month

no more class As-£400/mth

go shoping everday (walking not car)with a £7 budget-100/mth

life is w*nk when theres no work for those thst have it even if its a tough one ore sh*t one keep smiling and saying yes the alternative is not good
I know what you mean mate , work needs doing about the house but dont want to spend money to do it , trying to keep every penny i can cause i dont know when the next jobs coming up.the countrys f##ked . this time 2 or 3 years ago i was turning loads of work away, its about time we start see this recession ending its gone on long enough now. >:(
join the club mate £121 a fortnight is a joke £8 odd a day to live on for gas electric an food thats without cost for going out looking for work its 4 quid on the bus to liverpool or 8 quid to manchester or a tenner if i use the van
I had a call from the owner of a big job im supposed to start soon saying its been delayed again, when I questioned him he said if I dont like it I can piss off and he'll get someone else in, I wanted to tell him to stick the job up his ass but cant afford to but im sat here burning up now leting him talk to me like a dog.

If he talks to you like a dog, send him one of your turds. Or at least sign him up for all the junk mail you can source.
have any of you domestic guys tried myworkman they email me jobs everyday i signed on with them to see what it was like and what sort of work there are some good ones aswell never bothered cause its mostly domestic and i aint geared up for it cant stand working in peoples houses
i wish i could give up smoking fair play mate who needs money if youre dead anyway :)
Seems like the northerners are having it harder than the southerners...checked before and there were like 10 people quoting for a plastering job in Manchester large room plus ceiling reskim customer estimated 380 got knocked down by tradesman on the site to 180 freaking joke...also plenty of customers quoting unbelieveably low prices...trying to take advantage of the times and get something for nothing makes me sick (same in all business, but i'd rather not work for people like that).

If your a good plasterer and you go out in ure local area and put your name about u'll never be sitting on your ass. Its a bullshit excuse lads if you had to put food in your mouth and survive u'd get the work. Theres plenty there (domestic).
FreeD said:
Seems like the northerners are having it harder than the southerners...checked before and there were like 10 people quoting for a plastering job in Manchester large room plus ceiling reskim customer estimated 380 got knocked down by tradesman on the site to 180 freaking joke...also plenty of customers quoting unbelieveably low prices...trying to take advantage of the times and get something for nothing makes me sick (same in all business, but i'd rather not work for people like that).

If your a good plasterer and you go out in ure local area and put your name about u'll never be sitting on your ass. Its a bullshit excuse lads if you had to put food in your mouth and survive u'd get the work. Theres plenty there (domestic).
seems to me like theres a contradiction here somewhere...
richardbrown said:
I had a call from the owner of a big job im supposed to start soon saying its been delayed again, when I questioned him he said if I dont like it I can piss off and he'll get someone else in, I wanted to tell him to stick the job up his ass but cant afford to but im sat here burning up now leting him talk to me like a dog.

should have mate ......nowadays its almost accepted to get shat on/ripped off
Skim a full room in Doncaster 43 people expressed an interest and hall stairs landing in wakefield 63 people through MAD
my misses is trying to get me to sell my gixxer no way had it since new from 1991 longer than her bad news is can`t put petrol in her and go out for the day while this sh t is going on to old to fill up with dirty plates and f ck off
Free D you a bit naive mate I'm 30 years to the trade and would leave alto of fellers dead for quality and quantity worked all over the world am a go getter and spend most of my day looking for work I'm betting you`re a younger guy i hope you never find yourself in this position
It's a bloody joke innit! I can't even get labourer work at the moment in cumbria and even applied for Hospital porter job at 13k >:(

Government has spent billions on banks and car manufacturers but for some reason the humble builder has been forgotten about.

I spend my time thinking what to buy with my £62 giro.

Mortgage arrears
2 Kids
Bills not Paid
forced t-total.
My builder and all the other blood suckin cowboy sites should be banned. they do more damage to the industry than anythin. some spotty student building a website and de-value the skill of real tradesmen by inviting every single 'I am a plasterer/plumber/joiner/bricki/painter' to cut each others throughts. it is exactly what is the problem with this country. lets face it in this current building crisis who is making the money? the spotty student with the website. Spreads should stick together and for the good of the trade, not undercut each other.
Well said mate. The other thing is as well is the fact that we are knee deep in plasterers now thanks to these short courses. A very high percentage of these type are crap at what they do, have a main job as well as sticking in daft prices on domestic on a weekend. So as well as the spotty geek making dollar, these who run the courses are just the same, i know someone who rang up one of the popular ones up (no names) and was told there is sh*t loads of domestic work out there still no problem just get yourself on the course blah blah etc.
It will be a long time before we are back earning what we were im afraid.
I also realise there are some good guys that have been successful off the back of a short course and have taken to it like a duck to water who want to be real plasterers and work full time doing it, so no offence to you lads.
Roofer2plasterer said:
It's a bloody joke innit! I can't even get labourer work at the moment in cumbria and even applied for Hospital porter job at 13k >:(

Government has spent billions on banks and car manufacturers but for some reason the humble builder has been forgotten about.

I spend my time thinking what to buy with my £62 giro.

Mortgage arrears
2 Kids
Bills not Paid
forced t-total.

where abouts in cumbria are you roofer im waiting to hear on some flats in whitehaven
i keep getting jobs offered to quote for from rated tradesman i think only 3 quotes are able to be tendered for each job although im not cetain on that ive had 2 jobs from the site wen i first join i got 2 free quotes and got both the jobs i just dont wanna be paying £10+ for a customers details not even certain of getting the job
where abouts in cumbria are you roofer im waiting to hear on some flats in whitehaven

Sunny Barrow in Furness mate.

Will travel though.
I use Rated people all the time and have had shed loads of work of the back of them(BEEN WITH THEM JUST OVER A YEAR), I just cost that lead price into the job and hope for the best,although it is a pain in the arse when you travel 25 miles to quote & dont get the job but hay ho,onto the next one and fingers crossed.
sorry to hear some of you guys are having a tough time getting work. If any of you are in the somerset area PM me as i'm looking for a couple of skilled plasterers at the moment to sub work to.

Any of u guys without plastering work thought of getting into tiling? loads of tiling work around at mo...tiles shops down here are packed with people...just an idea.
plasterjfe said:
My builder and all the other blood suckin cowboy sites should be banned. they do more damage to the industry than anythin. some spotty student building a website and de-value the skill of real tradesmen by inviting every single 'I am a plasterer/plumber/joiner/bricki/painter' to cut each others throughts. it is exactly what is the problem with this country. lets face it in this current building crisis who is making the money? the spotty student with the website. Spreads should stick together and for the good of the trade, not undercut each other.
its a free country man, but wouldnt you just wanna be the bloke who gets first shot at the f'cker who's downgrading your talent and selling it for flower picking rates...
they call em gangers, or 'employment agencies'....
FreeD said:
sorry to hear some of you guys are having a tough time getting work. If any of you are in the somerset area PM me as i'm looking for a couple of skilled plasterers at the moment to sub work to.

Any of u guys without plastering work thought of getting into tiling? loads of tiling work around at mo...tiles shops down here are packed with people...just an idea.
nice one for the heads up in somerset though mate..
would this be people who can actually tile? or people that 'think' they can tile?
Wheres the tiling work? I have two mates who are tilers and are both driving taxis at the minute as no work here (Northants)
i feckin hate tiling..
that said, it might be worth an extra word on the advert cos lots of other people hate tiling too!
only trouble is, i dont reckon im particularly quick at it..
8x10 bathroom floor to ceiling takes me about 4 days, gonna be 500 quid innit...
what do you lot reckon?
rockhardsolidplastering said:
cancelled sky sports and got basic -saving £30/mth

stoped smoking-£160/mth

no more newspapers-£30/month

no more going to football(bpool fc)-£100/mth

no more drinking in pubs-£50/month

no more class As-£400/mth

go shoping everday (walking not car)with a £7 budget-100/mth

life is w*nk when theres no work for those thst have it even if its a tough one ore sh*t one keep smiling and saying yes the alternative is not good
ive given up drinking .....should save me 500 quid a week wahey !
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