Any one have any idea how much these things cost and in what sizes they come, been searching all over the place and got prices ranging from 20quid a sheet to about 50quid a sheet..
Do they only come in 8x4 or can you get 6x3? (just awqward getting the 8x4s upstairs in the house)
went on travis perkins website and like the c**ts they are you have to have an account with them just to log in and see the f**k**g prices.. how helpful.
cheers guys! not used them before you see, only ever cellotexed and then boarded on top, would have battoned wall out and insulated but dont have enough room to play with so was looking at getting 20mm boards.
Do they only come in 8x4 or can you get 6x3? (just awqward getting the 8x4s upstairs in the house)
went on travis perkins website and like the c**ts they are you have to have an account with them just to log in and see the f**k**g prices.. how helpful.
cheers guys! not used them before you see, only ever cellotexed and then boarded on top, would have battoned wall out and insulated but dont have enough room to play with so was looking at getting 20mm boards.