Thermal plasterboard

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Any one have any idea how much these things cost and in what sizes they come, been searching all over the place and got prices ranging from 20quid a sheet to about 50quid a sheet..

Do they only come in 8x4 or can you get 6x3? (just awqward getting the 8x4s upstairs in the house)

went on travis perkins website and like the c**ts they are you have to have an account with them just to log in and see the f**k**g prices.. how helpful.

cheers guys! not used them before you see, only ever cellotexed and then boarded on top, would have battoned wall out and insulated but dont have enough room to play with so was looking at getting 20mm boards.
ive heard 30 quid plus ....if you can get them for 20 you can make some money if its domestic ;)........take some bonding with you and be prepared to bond out the joins they all bend inwards, if you load the job lay them down plasterboard side down
I pay £18.40 per board mate. As far as I'm aware they only come in 8x4's and the ones i use are tapered edge aswell >:( keep your eye on them if you dab em mate as Spunky sez they don't tend to stay flat. Gotta watch em even when you've dabbed them. The thinnest ones are 27mm total thickness. They only have a 3/8" plasterboard on them too, would probably be better if they were 1/2". Hope this helps.
the 30mm boards work out at about £20 a sheet,but you can get a thermal check board 22mm for about £12 a sheet difference being the back of the board is polystyrene
cheers guys!

cant use polystyrene boards as I need to dab em!

the ones travis sell are 12.5mm plasterboard not 9.5, prob being why are more epensive then (that and travis is the dearest place on earth)

8x4s will do, I can just chop a couple of feet off to get upstairs if need be, only dabbing out 1 wall in each room, 3.5m x 2.4m, not huge area to get flat either in that case! :)
i think the lafarge stuff is called universal bonding compound, thats all our merchant sells now.
Alrite mate as said above u can dab em but I've always been told to drill and plug em with stainless steel washers about 5/6 to a board just as a fire precaution, anyone else ever been told this in the spec
is there any target u-value as the phenolic boards such as kingspan kooltherm k17 are top performers for their thickness although expensive and can be dabbed on with only a couple of mechanical fixings in top corners in case of fire. the polystyrene ones perform less well but are cheaper but can still be dabbed. I did a job using a combination of rockwool slab partition and polystyrene boards on window walls and it made a hell of a difference to the ambient temperature.
We get our insulated plasterboard for about £15.00 that's 30mm thick and 8 x 4.
But just found a great adhesive as long as walls are straight,
its non solvent so won't melt polystyrene and goes off solid in about 15 Min's.
Screw fix sell it but you have to buy the gun as well. The stuff is called Insta Stix, I think that's how they spell it.
goody said:
is there any target u-value as the phenolic boards such as kingspan kooltherm k17 are top performers for their thickness although expensive and can be dabbed on with only a couple of mechanical fixings in top corners in case of fire. the polystyrene ones perform less well but are cheaper but can still be dabbed. I did a job using a combination of rockwool slab partition and polystyrene boards on window walls and it made a hell of a difference to the ambient temperature.
the target u value is whatever the spec says... be it specified by architect or local authority building control..
every surface is different in a newbuild depending on things like warm or cold roof etc...
then its different again on a refurb dependent on existing construction...
then its different again depending on which authority governs the job...
ive heard northants can be the tightest as they tend to pilot any new scheme? any truth in that anyone?
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