The Pay Out


Private Member
Anyone think that in June we’re gonna end up with absolutely sod all off government, since this cov19 kicked off I been off and had no other thoughts about the money but three weeks in and by the looks of it many more weeks in lockdown and what looks like no plaster available then either after June seems far too long away and the thought of getting jack is not good
Anyone think that in June we’re gonna end up with absolutely sod all off government, since this cov19 kicked off I been off and had no other thoughts about the money but three weeks in and by the looks of it many more weeks in lockdown and what looks like no plaster available then either after June seems far too long away and the thought of getting jack is not good
f**k knows what’s going to happen mate. :rolleyes:
To be honest Mate lucky be alive compared to others ,but on the flip side my in laws parents got a pub they been paid “the grant “ from the government so there’s hope for us all when our turn eventually comes !!
were entitled to it mate
tax return and back pay
youl be back in Vietnam before you know it (y) :birra:
It would be nice mate, have to see it before I believe it. We normally go to Cyprus for most of the summer, fingers crossed for that one this year! Lol
Well I only recently went from ltd back to self-employed, so I'll get fuckall as I understand it. My son worked for the ltd company so doesn't have accounts for one year let alone three, he'll also get fuckall.
All donations gratefully received.

my shopping has dropped mate
I thought it would go through the roof with kids being off school.
feeding 6 people 3 times a day....

but girls ain't eating that much because there not moving lol

finley eats more than the 3 of them put together :musculoso:
It would be nice mate, have to see it before I believe it. We normally go to Cyprus for most of the summer, fingers crossed for that one this year! Lol

my brother and his wife looking already for christmas back in Australia

dont think anyone will visit china anytime soon :D
So do I hold on to these 12 bags till there at £50 a bag .
The Pay Out
I got elliot till 5 45 today . And I.m on me knees already. Just found eldests old action figures so he seems happy with them ............for now

my oldest daughters still in bed mate
girls are good at lockdown
sleep there way through it

me n fin climbing the walls
my oldest daughters still in bed mate
girls are good at lockdown
sleep there way through it

me n fin climbing the walls
It's hard now. Cant break day up by going play area or owt. .
I was at mates before lockdown and his two daughter were still in bed . Was about 1 oclock so he shouts em to get up.
I said wtf you done that for I just leave my teenager in bed for easy life
It's hard now. Cant break day up by going play area or owt. .
I was at mates before lockdown and his two daughter were still in bed . Was about 1 oclock so he shouts em to get up.
I said wtf you done that for I just leave my teenager in bed for easy life
I would hate to have young kids right now! There whole routine is outta the window I bet there’s some real battles going on with parents and the kids right now especially for the dads half of them will wtf I can usually escape all this s**t :ROFLMAO: