Tackling problems with microcement and venetian


Well-Known Member
Thought it might be a good idea to start a thread about dealing with problems should they arise...
Halo's in micro, tears in venetian, burnishing issues, knock and bump damage?
Anyone had to deal with any of these yet?
The one I get mate is when I've told clients not to get any water contact until it's sealed!Did a bar top and cleaner put mop bucket on top even though i put signs and what not,she totally ignored it.Expensive day for her boss.As for burnishing I've got a villa do in south of France next march as some has burnished to far and killed the floor.Terracotta with black trowel swirls everywhere,Although it's not rocket science with this stuff knowing the product is key in my opinion.
The one I get mate is when I've told clients not to get any water contact until it's sealed!Did a bar top and cleaner put mop bucket on top even though i put signs and what not,she totally ignored it.Expensive day for her boss.As for burnishing I've got a villa do in south of France next march as some has burnished to far and killed the floor.Terracotta with black trowel swirls everywhere,Although it's not rocket science with this stuff knowing the product is key in my opinion.
What were are the remedies for each? A complete re do?
I had some burnishing issues on a wet room but the black marks sanded out...
The water after marks I can get out on first coat but I find on second you can see it although it might be me being picky just gives it a more cloudy look it's just by sanding it like you said.As for dark marks they stay and don't sand out with my product and sealant brings them out a lot more so darkens more.
Thanks for starting this thread CeeVee, had an issue with tearing venetian when burnishing, just one small area over a 2.4 x 2.1 mtr wall. The tear was literally 3mm x 2mm . Made the fatal mistake of trying to patch it which took me over 2 hours to rectify the resultant mess. Other than starting again with fresh coats, how would others have sorted this out?
Thanks for starting this thread CeeVee, had an issue with tearing venetian when burnishing, just one small area over a 2.4 x 2.1 mtr wall. The tear was literally 3mm x 2mm . Made the fatal mistake of trying to patch it which took me over 2 hours to rectify the resultant mess. Other than starting again with fresh coats, how would others have sorted this out?

Delamination is probably the most common occurring problem when doing a high polish fine marmorino. It can happen through bad timing of burnishing or over burnishing. Also can be down to the sub layers of the Venetian plaster coats. Repairing a de lam is difficult but not impossible
Delamination is probably the most common occurring problem when doing a high polish fine marmorino. It can happen through bad timing of burnishing or over burnishing. Also can be down to the sub layers of the Venetian plaster coats. Repairing a de lam is difficult but not impossible
Thanks for the reply RobJack, could you give some advice as to doing a repair to de-lam? Many thanks