stone wall


have a stone wall to render and going to hack off the face of the larger stone and then mesh hopefully to stop any cracking,as i want to unibond the stonework first for extra key would it be better to unibond first and then mesh but the unibond would be dry by the time i finish meshing, would that be ok,or could i paint on render grip on first then mesh,thanks
have a stone wall to render and going to hack off the face of the larger stone and then mesh hopefully to stop any cracking,as i want to unibond the stonework first for extra key would it be better to unibond first and then mesh but the unibond would be dry by the time i finish meshing, would that be ok,or could i paint on render grip on first then mesh,thanks
Render grip or sbr, don't not use pva outside mate
have a stone wall to render and going to hack off the face of the larger stone and then mesh hopefully to stop any cracking,as i want to unibond the stonework first for extra key would it be better to unibond first and then mesh but the unibond would be dry by the time i finish meshing, would that be ok,or could i paint on render grip on first then mesh,thanks
Any pics?
Sbr slurry coat then lay on scratch coat while its still tacky I'm doing a stone cottage atm and do most my outside rendering this way
have a stone wall to render and going to hack off the face of the larger stone and then mesh hopefully to stop any cracking,as i want to unibond the stonework first for extra key would it be better to unibond first and then mesh but the unibond would be dry by the time i finish meshing, would that be ok,or could i paint on render grip on first then mesh,thanks

Any pics of the stone wall?
if it wasnt being meshed i would sbr the wall as to try and get the sbr through the mesh will be a struggle as it makes a mess putting on a flat wall, but i think i will rendergrip then mesh,scratchcoat/render then dash,thanks all anyway