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Private Member
right lads ive just built a retaining wall down the side of mi garden this week end. im gna finnish it in sto acrylic. i have only ever done it onto the baged render or onto insulation. but im gna render my wall in sand cement. is there any prep i need to do b4 hand to the render or just rub up with plastic float and sponge finish as i wuz gna paint it. cheers
wiganlad said:
right lads ive just built a retaining wall down the side of mi garden this week end. im gna finnish it in sto acrylic. i have only ever done it onto the baged render or onto insulation. but im gna render my wall in sand cement. is there any prep i need to do b4 hand to the render or just rub up with plastic float and sponge finish as i wuz gna paint it. cheers
just prime it mate!
wiganlad said:
right lads ive just built a retaining wall down the side of mi garden this week end. im gna finnish it in sto acrylic. i have only ever done it onto the baged render or onto insulation. but im gna render my wall in sand cement. is there any prep i need to do b4 hand to the render or just rub up with plastic float and sponge finish as i wuz gna paint it. cheers

Wiganlad why av you decided on a sto finish? its more expensive than some of the others and the others are easier to pick up from a supplier where as sto aint unless you can lift some of a site. how far are you from golbourne
SAS will sell tubs mixed to any colour next day delivery £35 plus vat for 17kg buckets in uniform or grained finish :)
i like the finish on sto. used it loads in canada. but we never primed anything.but they never rubed the render up either , which i didnt like cos it doesnt get the finish flat. but thats what they did so i just dis as i wus asked.
the amount of problems with deliveries ive had with sas, i wont use them anymore ive even driven from oxford to wemico to pick ventilation beads up ,because theyve f@cked up the order, and they havnt got a BBA, >:(, good backing coats tho ;D
plasterjfe said:
wiganlad said:
right lads ive just built a retaining wall down the side of mi garden this week end. im gna finnish it in sto acrylic. i have only ever done it onto the baged render or onto insulation. but im gna render my wall in sand cement. is there any prep i need to do b4 hand to the render or just rub up with plastic float and sponge finish as i wuz gna paint it. cheers

Wiganlad why av you decided on a sto finish? its more expensive than some of the others and the others are easier to pick up from a supplier where as sto aint unless you can lift some of a site. how far are you from golbourne
not far mate y
the primer comes in the same colour as the top coat and gives a sandpaper like key and also helps with a more uniform colour. one tub does 100plus metres but is usually quite dear.
u wont get em,lol. last straw was ,they matched a colour for me for a client, materials came a week late so i sent two lads to do the top coat, next day i got a fone call from the client asking what the f@ck was goin on? when i got there i found a building that was supposed to be a shade of cream was in fact a shade of blue ??? then when they sent the silicone paint the delivery driver dropped tub all over the f@cking road , so had to ship another one from holland which took 5 days ??? honestly it was like a comedy!
goody said:
the primer comes in the same colour as the top coat and gives a sandpaper like key and also helps with a more uniform colour. one tub does 100plus metres but is usually quite dear.
as in how much mate . may be able to source some off the guy im subbie to if he comes up with the right price
sorry mate just looked the SAS primer is 30 quid for 16kg and covers 35m2

float does it float up same day? it's having silicone top coat.
merlin said:
what backing coat you got ?,they all spray well, bit dear tho!
sand cement mate got a ton of wash river for free dropped the other day so il just mix it with some sharp. and got all my cement for free as well so im taking advantage of it ;D as you do
goody said:
sorry mate just looked the SAS primer is 30 quid for 16kg and covers 35m2

float does it float up same day? it's having silicone top coat.
never floated it mate ,i always bed mesh in very top and spat, but imagine it would float up very well
goody said:
sorry mate just looked the SAS primer is 30 quid for 16kg and covers 35m2

float does it float up same day? it's having silicone top coat.
sand cemement would rub nice in the afternoon. should have it on for 9 /10 in the morn jst 2 flat walls. leaves us all day to rub.
goody said:
sorry mate just looked the SAS primer is 30 quid for 16kg and covers 35m2

float does it float up same day? it's having silicone top coat.
not to bad got my sand and cement for free and only need 2 tubs at that so its not to bad cheers ;)
merlin said:
goody said:
sorry mate just looked the SAS primer is 30 quid for 16kg and covers 35m2

float does it float up same day? it's having silicone top coat.
never floated it mate ,i always bed mesh in very top and spat, but imagine it would float up very well
yeah ill put mesh in my scratch coat top it float finnish and put the acrylic on the week after. i like i nice flat surface with no bumps or low spots. would drive me insane if i had to look into my garden and saw a shite job. especialy as its my trade, so it needs to be spot on
merlin said:
goody said:
sorry mate just looked the SAS primer is 30 quid for 16kg and covers 35m2

float does it float up same day? it's having silicone top coat.
never floated it mate ,i always bed mesh in very top and spat, but imagine it would float up very well
oh right never done it that way. so like a tighter mono flush with the beads then the mesh in last? Do you ever have any high spots that are a pain to get rid later cos of the mesh?
no so long as its all ruled nice , got to be careful of overlapping joints in mesh tho, does save a shed load of time !
sand and cement is fine la but you will need the colourprimer it kills suction a tad and gives you full opacity to stop colour bleed from the dark background (sand cement in this case) weterby is in golbourne you could drive in and grab the gear from their office counter. how many metres you got I think I got some dryvit 1.5mm or fine in my garage that you can have cheap very nice texture too
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