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New Member
last week i went and got a 99p spray bottle .cuz i was doin a 1 wall in a house and dint wanna make much mess..i worked reali well.,.ever since iv never used the brush ...

i did a hole house on the spray and i was much cleaner..quicker..and the plaster even seemed to have a cleaner finish since i was useing just clean water...

im just 2 messy with a dirty water brush i have 2 keep gettin wet..

i was brush all the way untill i tryed it...

if you havent tryed it give it ago...
yeh i got one a while back mate, i wouldnt bin the brush just yet though mate...
dunno bout you but i dont 'flick' water on the wall with the brush, i use it to clean crap off the back edge of the trowel and sometimes just run the brush down the corner to soften the stiffer edges slightly so i dont drag any crap accross the surface..
bein as i only got 2 hands its either the brush or the squirter...and i tend to use very little water anyway, prefering to catch the surface early so to be honest ive ended up using the brush more than the squirter, unless the walls gone a bit quick where it really comes into its own...i agree, if you need to wet the wall, the squirters fantastic...
as ive said b4 spray is much better, flicking dirty water on the wall is a big no no, on site you may get away with it, domestic you need to be a bit more profesional.
use the dirty brush to get rid of customers who stand watching and asking annoying questions all day!
99p - Are those the ones you need to pump with your hand ? For £2.49 , Wilkinsons do a pump action pressure sprayer so you get a continuous spray , justs saves your hand from aching after a while - Spend a fiver and get a couple in case you drop one and break the nozzle (as I invariably do ! )
and take the filter off the tube there tiny pin pricks and a tiny bit off plaster in the bottle will start it doing youre head in!
soon ill have a backback spray .one sread ..one spary one flatten...

kick a.s.s

dnt fink that will work in a small bedroom with a bed and wardrobe in dow.

im so good at lastering that sumit had 2 give way...as u can see it was my spelling
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