Speed skim or big trowl

John j

Mono Don
What would ypu recommend. Dont know if its a age thing or fittness or getting up at 4 30 ish with little en but really struggling at moment.
So thinking of either a 18 inch trowel or a speedskim just to flatten .
Which is best speedskim as seem to be a few . Steel or plastic blade . I.m guessing steel needs breaking in or can you just rock on.
Are the ox ones any good
From what I can gather the speedskim is definitely a useful tool, I think OX do the best although the Refina one would be equally apt. As for plastic and steel, I believe you can round the corners on both and they'll be good to go. Plastic will bring it back to life much in the way a plaziflex plastic trowel works and from there it's much of a muchness and just personal preference bud
Dont get lines
Good! Also take into consideration the handling of the tool, you might feel more comfortable using a large trowel than you would a speedskim. But honestly, I'll be buying one when I get back. will definitely help with overall speed. They go up to decent sizes as well the speedskim and are to my knowledge bigger in length than a large trowel.
I've got a 600mm speedskim - plastic edge and metal. The plastic edge is a bit pants, it picks up too much mix, but the metal is lovely to use.

You could order from amazon and send it back if you don't get on with it?

What would ypu recommend. Dont know if its a age thing or fittness or getting up at 4 30 ish with little en but really struggling at moment.
So thinking of either a 18 inch trowel or a speedskim just to flatten .
Which is best speedskim as seem to be a few . Steel or plastic blade . I.m guessing steel needs breaking in or can you just rock on.
Are the ox ones any good
I've got a 600mm speedskim - plastic edge and metal. The plastic edge is a bit pants, it picks up too much mix, but the metal is lovely to use.

You could order from amazon and send it back if you don't get on with it?
Cant you just rob me one . Sorry couldnt resist . Think i.ll get a ox one with steel blade from screwfix
Why plastic over steel
Never tried the metal blade , but use spat as well and for me the plastic blade doesn’t bring the water out and leaves the surface more mat like, just like you flatten with close trowel. I can hit it at any time with the speedskim without looking overworked.
Sorry :oops:...

Speed skim or big trowl
Just when i was getting a bit of useful information.
@Fatarm steel or plastic
Plastic..(y).I've used the steel but can't get an acceptable finish with it....
The 1200 plastic I only use for flattening off... It like a glorified cavity closure :)..

Oh and the wee 600 one is great if your laying roll n stroll on stairs, ideal for tucking it into the corner of the riser and tread ;)