Cheers guys,not been on the site nearly 2 years or so,not really since my back went(x2)prolapsed disc and some big problems with my legs which left me almost crippled for a awhile but fingers crossed,a few spinal cortisone injections and some new meds,i now have a trowel back in my hand,ahhhhhh.Anyway i was wondering if anyone could shed any light if you can skim onto tile grout?Doin a job for one of the missus friend,smallish bathroom which was tiled halfway up the wall all around.As i was taking down tiles from the largest covered area ,some of them came off taking chunks back to the old scratch coat.Decided to hack the lower half of that wall back to the scratch coat....
What a ball ache!Grout was like granite in places.Going to bond/hardwall that wall up to where the previous skim was ok,then pva ,then skim over the both of them.Really dont want to hack all the other grout off(the other walls grout was intact when took tiles off).Was wondering if should just pva the shhh outof the rest of the grout and skim but because the lower half of wall with grout stands proud of the top half(old skim) ,i dont know if i should just bond the whole lot n skim or if to use WBA instead of pva???Very long winded description ,sorry,should have taken some pics,any advice greatly appreciated,ta.Like the new look of the site Danny(well,prob not new but new to me)nice one.