Skimming on top of polystyrne

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New Member
Hi am new to the site never come across this before but priced a job up tonight where there had been celling tiles (poloystyrne) on but took off but had some left onto the adtesive prob 1mm-2mm it is a nightmare to scrape off will it be ok to just pva over then a skim of multi finish?
I had a job like that a while back, once pva'd the adhesive losens up and goes watery and U'll be able to scrape more off. If it doesn't then go for it but I would really try and get as much off as poss
Daveplasterer said:
Yeah I thought bonding but only priced for a skim but I can't see it falling off?

famous last words. might want to introduce yourself in the newbie section aswell mate. tell everyone a bit about yourself :)
steve cov said:
Daveplasterer said:
Yeah I thought bonding but only priced for a skim but I can't see it falling off?

famous last words. might want to introduce yourself in the newbie section aswell mate. tell everyone a bit about yourself :)

lol yeah I know I'll give it a go with just the multi or I could mix a bag of bonding with dirty water quick set it off
it shouldnt take that long for a thin coat of bonding to set. get it on. wash out, cuppa and some food. get set up for skimming. skim it
Twice now I have had plaster not set over some of the blobs of glue, some sort of chemical reaction.

Its not been every time though.
You gota be taking the mick, chopping the wall out, poor bloke so many replies, which is the right root? Good scrape, with razor scraper, if need be wba but once scraped back should be ok to pva and skim. ;)
I've skimmed over a 'stripped' polystyrene ceilings prepped by a work mate. As the plaster flattened out I could pin point the areas where scraps of polystyene had been left. Would advise over boarding as that's what I would do having experienced it first hand!
Aye up mate you don't ave to pm to insult me!! ;D What's your problem?
It's a forum for exchanging ideas and techniques, so why the insults, why don't you make yourself clear with your advice to others, in the real world you wouldn't chop out a wall to overboard a ceiling, rather than attempting to intimidate with a lesson out of a text book! I honestly thought you were having a laugh with the newbie, I was obviously wrong and you are very touchy, so I'm sorry to offend you it was not my intent. Ziggy2.
Plasterite, lets put this to bed, I wasn't critising, I simply asked why, it seemed to get out of hand as no straight answer was given, I like many come on here to join in, learn and pass on knowledge with and to others, there is a good crack on here and this seems like we have got off on the wrong foot. What do say?
I totally agree with you, this has got out of hand, the forums too good to spoil with trivialities. I shouldn’t have sent you the one worded pm beginning with “Wâ€￾ the next day (sober) I was embarrassed that I sent you that pm, I apologise :-[ :-[
I should have asked you why you were having ago at me, maybe there were crossed lines.
I’m actually a nice guy and I’m sure you are, so let put this unfortunate misunderstanding behind us and have the crack and if you’re up this way (Wigan) any time look me up, who knows we could always gate crash Kirks stag night, I heard Danny’s putting money behind the bar! :-* ;) ;)

ps my jokes are better than yours
Cheers Plasterite! :D Wires crossed indeed! Your appology accepted and I hope we can have a good crack from here on out!! Cheers Craig.

Must admit had a smile over your jokes! ;D
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