Setting angle bead depth on window reveals

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OK had a nightmare today had to set angles beads internally on a couple of columns either side of a window before rendering, the walls were miles out....used drywall adhesive got the beads plumb and in line with each other. then went to scratch and realised once i'd scratched it that the beads were different depths to the frame on either side...i'd completely forgot to get them the same each i've taken one off to redo question is though is there a quick way of getting the same depth on either side...I usually eye the depth and check with a square edge but find it hard to get it bang on...any tips for getting same depth to window frame on either side?

Depends if all the windows have been set in the same if you bead up all windows seperatley the wall could be all over the place.(But at least the reveils will all be the same)Bead up first widow then the last, strng a line across then set the rest of the windows to the line.By the way nower days this very rearly works because brickies cant put 30 bricks together straight.Also the job was proberbly ment to be finished yesturday so havent got the time to **** about with lines and ssshhit..
old problem this one... either the client wants the wall straight and plumb and perfect or the window reveals all the same depth... so its basically a compromise if you were to put a chalk line through the ceiling then plumb bob down you will get the wall perfectly straight and level but the reveals will all be different depths depending on the brickwork straightness, also the frame fixers dont always keep the same margins from the brickwork, so that will throw your beads out... anyway i always check walls first if i have any doubts about how niggly the customers could be and tell them straight... do you want the beads plumb and level ??? and will you pay extras for dubbing out.... hahahah made a mint in london in the early 90's with extras... i used to string a line along the ceilings then hang a plumb bob down... agree the dubbing out with the GF... 2 or 3 times extra... wipe the chalk line off... then float as usual... GF was a very considerate guy to work for...
I would make sure the beads and reveals are plumb that's what the EYE will see first when entering a room.'s what the eye sees first Henry. :RpS_thumbup:
We were always told the two most important rooms were the kitchen and the bog. Kitchen for units/worktops/tiles to sit right and the bog cos once they're in there they have f*ck all to look at except our walls! TOP TIP:RpS_thumbsup:
guy that taught me said to always use a level to plum the beads, if the windows
are crooked thats the window mans fault. surely it would take ages using plum
bombs etc ?? Im thinking of getting one of them laser levels so my work will be perfect:RpS_thumbup:
yes, its used to find a plum line using gravity. I think a laser level would be better becaus you would need a labourer to set up plum bomb levels

i think you'll find its a plumb BOB essexboy, i guess they forgot to tell you that on your one day intensive course
The way I got round it in the end was to put the dabs of adhesive on wall...push the bead in level it up then check with a square top,middle and bottom of window the depth of the bead...then set the bead on the otherside by eye to the same depth. Took ages but came out to within 2mm on either side. Plumb bob is a good idea though...think i'll be using one of those next time. Thanks

Laser level is good idea also could just have a small one on the sill. Probably better than have a string in the way.
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