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New Member
is it me or is scrim crap nowerdays im findin when scrimin over cracks in old ceilins plasterboard mostly they seem 2 reappear when paintin im doin everything as years ago and this has only started happenin recently im usin wickes stuff any ideas on where to get decent scrim ??? ???
ive found silverscrim and fibatape to be about the best at the moment generally get no birds nests with them and fairly sticky hate taping a whole flat up with s**t stuff only to come in the next day and half of the tapes be hanging off
how much did u pay for that church just got a job gettin quid a lin for a solid paper tape before skimming but as usual scrim it an hopefully dont get caught so could do with gettin hold of a load cheapish
napper83 said:
how much did u pay for that church just got a job gettin quid a lin for a solid paper tape before skimming but as usual scrim it an hopefully dont get caught so could do with gettin hold of a load cheapish

Sorry mate just seen this post .... i payed £25 for 20 rolls and a £5 p&p
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