Scraping back krend in small areas

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What do you use to scrape back krend in fiddly areas that you can't fit the scraper into? or do u just sponge it?
reveal plane

otherwise known as a croc or a gatter. If its really fiddly use a small filling knife/scraper
Buy yourself a replacement blade and cut it in half or quarters and screw it to a piece of wood to fashion a handle you can have them any size you want then
ye was eating me scran in a timber frame house with all manner of truss plates holding the thing together.....and some were like a4 size or bigger. bet they're cheap too
when cold use a female otter and when warmer a male using its hind legs

But surely he would struggle with an African clawless otter, and the northern River Otter has too large an head, so i would assume were talking Sea Otter or European otter
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