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I have got to do some roughcasting this week and i would like some advice do u scratch leave it a day then just roughcast over the scratch coat???
Kill all the suction in the scratch, then butter coat and dash, mask windows, soffits etc very shi#ty job mate, you should be able to get a fair area on before you turn back dashing, oh aye wear goggles too trust me
Have a job on myself and Just reading the above. Ive scratched on 4. 1 intend to butter coat 5.1 and plasticiser.

What ratio should i mix my wet dash?
We always scratch twice,stops blockwork showing through dashing aswell as water penetration.Its best to dash straight over the second scratchcoat while its wet,it gives a nice finish,but everyone does it their own way.
Wet dash is a far superior job, messy but much stronger and if done properly more weather proof. Dry dash looks nice for a couple of years till the chips start falling off leaving bald spots, etc..
done loads of wet dash in spain i normally use white cement in the dash coat so dries nice and white and a lot easier to paint... try it out you will be surprised
dunno mate i used pea gravel, i would dry dash with shell or marble as looks nice when finished

Aye that's what we use, just did another extension onto an extension we did six years ago onto a house we built 13 years ago and it matched up pretty good considering the time between all three builds, second coat was 4.5 white sand to 1 snowcrete and roughcast was 3 pea gravel 2 white sand and 1 snowcrete..
I put a slurry coat over some dry dash on me mates house last summer - at HIS request/risk. It covered well, looks ok - time will tell:RpS_wink:
Spanish roughcast

done loads of wet dash in spain i normally use white cement in the dash coat so dries nice and white and a lot easier to paint... try it out you will be surprised

When in Spain I saw a lot of houses that had been dry roughcast and then been rolled flat. Any ideas how to do that in UK?
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