room 101 of plastering

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Private Member
If we had a room 101 for plastering what would you bin off.
Well I would bin off woodchip wallpaper been stripping it all day it's a ****.
Yer right there bod it cost ££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££ every year . we should send them all to afghanistan to teach them all about H>S.
[h=3] [/h][h=3] [/h]
The man on The Plastering Forum said he can do that for £0.50 per meter and thats with the materials
Thats a classic it's just a quick skim lol they never get it through there thick heads all plaster got the same setting time almost as classic as i bet your good at icing cakes lol
yep,sparkies that dont bother chasing into the bricks and leave their plastic capping level with the wall.:RpS_thumbdn:
rip the plastic off:RpS_thumbsup: they leave about a foot of tails hanging out of the box :RpS_cursing: snip!!
If they leave long tails it obviously means the box is in the wrong place, so just do them a favour and drop it a bit lower :RpS_thumbup:
My pet hate... Client that persist on talking to you about there boring useless lifes just as you have finished mixing a full tub, then come back and talk to you when you are rubbing up, then shadow you as you are cleaning up.
Bricklayers that can't/dont have levels
Tackers that can't put screws in straight
Door linings that are an inch wider than the stud and board
All sparks in general.
W~nk scaffolding
Quanitiy surveyors
Most other trades that seem to get away without tidying up.
Bullshit suppliers " oh the lorry broke down, should be there by now, the agency driver never turned la la fcuk off !!
Banana trowels
labourers that clean buckets out with hammers
Any one who won,t cut boxes out properly, after years of telling them how to do it....bang my head
Traffic wardens
Northern monkeys that keep phoning me up asking if I,m allrite for beads and scrim mite.No i don't want your s**t beads and non stick scrim.
I hate the "If you have any plaster left can you just patch up the various 20 little holes all over the house" MATE!!!. no problem marra while ive got you staircase on all just run round all your rooms and do all the patching that you clearly cant be arsed to do with a bit of filler.oh and i wouldnt dream or asking for extra cos that would be taking the piss. MATE!! :RpS_cursing:
I hate the "If you have any plaster left can you just patch up the various 20 little holes all over the house" MATE!!!. no problem marra while ive got you staircase on all just run round all your rooms and do all the patching that you clearly cant be arsed to do with a bit of filler.oh and i wouldnt dream or asking for extra cos that would be taking the piss. MATE!! :RpS_cursing:

Oh yes, The old " while you are here routine" I forgot to ask.......
Northern monkeys that keep phoning me up asking if I,m allrite for beads and scrim mite.No i don't want your s**t beads and non stick scrim.[/QUOTE]

Thought it was just me that got it

"alright eddie ? And how are you today (like they're your best mate ), how much are u payin for yer Pva mate"

Fook of ya Lancashire c**t, I don't want scrim, I want hessian u w**k*r
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