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not bad but to be honest im quicker with the handboard and trowel so i will be putting it back in the shed with the mtec 300.
Can one man manage to use the ritmo on his own and get a good amount done in a day? only ever seen it briefly on youtube..
flynnyman said:
not bad but to be honest im quicker with the handboard and trowel so i will be putting it back in the shed with the mtec 300.
Don't you mean "Hawk" and trowel Lol
one man will only ever manage however much he is comfortable in handling in a gaging everyone will be differant
Anybody know much about the new ritmo on the german site. It looks more modern like a strobot type design with a plastic hopper? Any plans of getting them here?
you can spray more on on your own , your always spraying fresh material onto the walls rather then gear thats been sat on a board or in a bucket so you get a longer setting time with it
Oh yeah my mistake it is the new swing m not the ritmo. Yes it does look nice and well thought out, 240v on there any plans for a 110v for here anybody?
What you mean you can run a 240 machine off 110 supply? You can step it down but not up yeah?
Right then, am I correct to assume that you can use a continental 240v machine(16amp not uk 13amp) and just plug it into one of these which is in turn plugged into the 110v site supply? What I'm getting at is can I plug a strobot 406s and the matching strocomp both are 240v 16amp and away I go? Surely not? that's far too easy?
i have absolutley no idea ...all this talk of strobots is doing my head in brother , you can step up 110 to 240 but i wouldn't want to say you can run a 16amp machine from it .....maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan
just getting in fro pub who the fcuk cares at the mo lets have some shut eye then start again see you all in morn
Don't mean to sound like a boring nerd(I am though!) banging on about these strobot thingymabobs but when I went to see danny mcgirr at putzmeister he said the 401s as in the link above was available in 110v for this country but they had no plans to bring out a 110v version of the matching beefy strocomp compressors that you need to spray acrylic. I wanted to have a matching set which is why I'm banging on about this 240v 16amp gadget with two outlets on it see boyos.
goody do you know ian jones from swansea ....i hear he's as rough as a badgers cock that been dragged through a pile of brambles .....i've spoke to him on the phone and he sounds like a right tit
Yes I know Ian and used to work for him. Ultimately he got me in to machine plastering and for that I thank him. Regardless of personal differences. Peace maaaan.
thats ok then cos his names mud on here mate ...you wanna hear what their saying about him in the private section .....all i can say is he must have p***ed a lot of people off in his time
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