Reveals again!

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boarding out a bathroom at the moment walls are pretty good..on the window wall i boarded out the reveals leaving an inch and half extra board at edges...when i came to board the wall i found that i had brought the reveals out way to far and that i wasn't making much contact with the huge blobs of adheasive i had put on the wall... :'(

Have i brought out the reveals way to much? i swear at college thay told me to bring them out the far...the board is not sitting on top of reveals its flush with.
stick your walls first then if you have a bit of an over hang trim that back flush with the window returns IE: the brick/block work , now your wall should look fully plaster boarded apart from the window returns, now measure the returns cut them and stick ,squeeze them on tightish you can fill the small gap where the two boards meet with the adhesive, get the big work done first , play around with the smaller bits after.don't cut everythink to precise give your self 2 or 3 mm,,for adjustment.
i always give it an extra inch. by time youve put your board into your reveal you lose half inch, so it gives another half inch play with to get the board square off your reveal.
Agree with plasterer/steve. I was always taught to board walls first and then fit the reveals. Top first, then sides and finally bottom. ;)
Damn it now i remember, ure right i've done it the wrong way round...oh well know for next time. Thanks guys.
hi, done many jobs now just trying to pass knowledge on! to you guys!. collage will give you the basics! (exsperiance will give you he rest!).. good week end lads! ;D : 8-) :)< monday (WHO SAID MONDAY)!! ;D
m8 always dab your reveels first, and make sure they are always the same size, you can makes life much easier when working with a st edge, as you have something to work from 1 inch and a half should be ok, the idea is to go flush not sit on reveels this way your margins are gtd to be the same, infact when cutting reveels cut the head and stick all 3 together, this way the wall is gtd to be perfectly st
hmmm well i tried doing the reveals first yesterday and although everything looked spot on when pushing the big boards into place i couldn't get enough adhesion even with putting big dabs of adhesive on the wall (i brought the reveals out 1 1/2 inch) went back this morning had a couple of wobbly boards...ended up getting the sds drill out took the whole lot off and redid it big boards first measured an inch in from each reveal then put the reveals on...aslo looked spot on and the boards...i do remember now in college this is how they taugh me...but i guess if you do it the other way and don't bring the reveals out so far it woulsd work also...if that makes any sense!
how much did the course cost lol can overhang the reveals, go 12.5mm off the reveal, 25mm of the reveal or board through and fit the reveals after .......youve used a set square to fit to the reveals ............are people starting to understand why courses are a waste of time ..........youve been tought to overhang the reveals and not how to work back into them....bargain aye ;D ;D
it's like the rendering or floating courses with lime/sand doesnt go off so the imperative thing to learn the timing but it wont go off ........they show you the technique but you could learn that in 5 mins on site ......
measure , cut your p/board?! check your measurements, make sure every thing fits! when your happy with that then mix your mix, and stick,! i all ways put the gauge to the board, not the !,not dab the walls, 3-1 pva where the dots are going to placed on the wall tap them in to place, walk away and grab there money job done!.......!
Nicksey i wouldn't say they ar a waste of time everybodies got to start somewhere...5 day course maybe although saying that i did a 5 day course in tiling and have already earnt 10x the cost of the course and am booked up for 2 months more work. And i've earned back bout 8x the cost of my plastering course which i finished in March which was city and guilds 8 week. Sometimes i forget things which i haven't done for a while. I think intensive courses are not a waste of time it just very much depends on the capabilities of the learner and there confidence to go out there after and learn all the rest! But no doubt a while on site would do me good!
no mate ,!you ant doing any fing wrong! your just learning,! ;) hang in there man! :) it all becomes apparent, apparently!... ;D
measure , cut your p/board?! check your measurements, make sure every thing fits! when your happy with that then mix your mix, and stick,! i all ways put the gauge to the board, not the !,not dab the walls, 3-1 pva where the dots are going to placed on the wall tap them in to place, walk away  and grab there money job done!.......!

lol your having me on m8 please tell me your having a laugh,
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