Repairing damage

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I have just purchased a house and while the walls have been skimmed, whilst I was replacing damaged floorboards I had to remove some skirting. The skirts were sealed and thus they have damaged the skimmed wall. I am a very unable novice at all this type of thing and would really appreciate help in fixing this mess. My profile picture should show the damage.
On the picture you should see a white line where the skirt was, and above it where the skimmed plaster has come away.
Fix fresh skirting and just fill the damaged area with a couple of coats of filler failing that get a plasterer in
Cheers Spunky.
Did you look at the picture? The skim has kinda snapped off. I still have the skirt to go back on, but really hoped I did not need a plasterer for such a small job. Would filler smooth over the area?
You should be able to fill and sand that mate. any gaps when you put the skirting back on can be filled with decorators caulk.
Thanks Artisan998
Great so something like Pollycell one fill or finishing skim and then lightly sand over when dry?
Thats all been a huge help
Sorry just seen pic first thing I'd do is try and get the skirting up if there's a bow in it from where the old plasters blown on the skirting line you want to straighten it up as long as it's not a single skin wall I'd pva it 2 water 1 pva then get yourself a straight piece of timber or probably better a piece of skirting with a chamfered edge fill the are that's gone with bonding plaster rule it off using the skirting off the existing plaster vertical first make sure the skirtings tight to the wall so you're following the existing then rule it up you might be better off holding a trowel square to the wall or cut a piece of timber to suit the wall should be fairly straight so you'll only be taking off the odd high point off let it dry clean you're skirting you'll need this later lol when it's dry scrape any high points of then nick the edge of the patch that runs into the existing all round the patch about 5-6mm deep give the edges a lick of pva then give it two coats of multi finish and trowel up keep cutting the excess off and wipe the joint with water this should give you a clean join failing that if the skirting sits nicely and there's a tad to fill I'd just use filler or if it's too deep for filler do all the above just patching what's left
Just had another look if that's the old backing coat and you're still not happy with how the skirting sits pva it and skim it personally I reckon it'd be alright just slap the skirting on and use filler
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