Rendering in the sun

  • Thread starter Thread starter MrSpoon85
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ah what a glorious day its been today!! usually i hate rendering with a passion! but as other students from college were doing their final phase tests indoors we had the option to do some rendering outside so its not too crowded indoors, ive never sat on my behind in the sun for so long ;D no doubt the heat will just crack the scratch coat we left there today and tomorow it will be on the floor, but nevermind :-/ give us something to do tomorow, lets hope it stays nice weather! and as for mixing up the sand and cement with spades in the bath, i think i may just have to invest in a cement mixer or invest in labourer, give him slightly more than a paper round £17.50 ;) jobs a goodun!

anyone have much experience with k rend or alternatives?
can you lads remember when it was REALLY hot a couple of weeks ago i was k-rending then a perimeter wall approx 30sqm the sun was on it all day and i scraped it back the same day (and all the skin off my back a couple of days later ! ooooh itchy :-[) there werent any probs it was normal blockwork so i soaked it a few times this normally helps
the next day i didnt have a good start and had to do the other side so my plan was to start at 12 ish hessian it over and damp it down so i could scrape it the next day but it ended up going too quick and ended up back at the job at 6 and finishing at half nine ;D what a nightmare scraping by van light! k-rend what fun :-/
ive no experiencwe with k rend atall, soon tho hopefully, tho the lad i was working with today was taking too long to brush down the wall with water, nothing a big bucket of water thrown at the wall didnt sort out, it soaked it up faster than a tramp soaks up his cider ;)
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