Render to plasterboard

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New Member
Hi guys

Been following the forum for tips for a while. Now it's my turn to seek advice.

I'm doing some metre high flood work. I've a couple of walls where doorways have been partitioned and plasterboarded so have came up with the problem. What do you think the best way to link the plasterboard to the sand and cement.

Imagine a square wall with plaster knocked off a metre high and a doorway in the middle that's been studded out and plasterboarded 10mm or so shy of the existing plaster.

Any advice appreciated.

Thank you.
Hi guys

Been following the forum for tips for a while. Now it's my turn to seek advice.

I'm doing some metre high flood work. I've a couple of walls where doorways have been partitioned and plasterboarded so have came up with the problem. What do you think the best way to link the plasterboard to the sand and cement.

Imagine a square wall with plaster knocked off a metre high and a doorway in the middle that's been studded out and plasterboarded 10mm or so shy of the existing plaster.

Any advice appreciated.

Thank you.
Put a 9.5mm plasterboard on the top of it?
Thank you for your reply flynnyman.

Sorry for the poor explanation.

The bottom of the wall will still need to be plastered up to where it has been knocked off. The job is sand and cement flush with existing and all the wall skimmed, so the problem really is that that I can't put sand and cement onto plasterboard. I don't even think you can use dri coat on plasterboard and as it flood work it will need to be one of the two.


  • Render to plasterboard
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When you say flood work you mean you are repairing flood damage, if so as all ready stated, tie in some block work. Slabs dont like water much.

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Thank you for your reply flynnyman.

Sorry for the poor explanation.

The bottom of the wall will still need to be plastered up to where it has been knocked off. The job is sand and cement flush with existing and all the wall skimmed, so the problem really is that that I can't put sand and cement onto plasterboard. I don't even think you can use dri coat on plasterboard and as it flood work it will need to be one of the two.
Just put a 9.5mm plasterboard over the top and tape the joint then skim
S&C the block work and skim the boards. Where the join horizontally, fit back to back beads where they meet, then cover this joint with a dado rail.

Don't run the plaster or S&C past the flood zone point, if it floods again it will then wick up and damage the drywall above....

Good Luck!
Then the obvious thing would be to take down down the stud wall and fill in with blocks ya numpty.

Is there any need for numpty? do you think you're tough or clever in a forum, you imbecile? Who's the fool really?

Do you not think I've put that to them? And I'm a plasterer not a brickie.

I came here for some constructive input for a problem but seems to me to be a far from professional attitude imployed here.

Is there any need for numpty? do you think you're tough or clever in a forum, you imbecile? Who's the fool really?

Do you not think I've put that to them? And I'm a plasterer not a brickie.

I came here for some constructive input for a problem but seems to me to be a far from professional attitude imployed here.

So what ya gonna do?
I may take the board off and EML the doorway. Jean-Claude I thought about that but maybe have a strip of EML up the joint as well. And yeah I can see another flood happening

Thank you
Is there any need for numpty? do you think you're tough or clever in a forum, you imbecile? Who's the fool really?

Do you not think I've put that to them? And I'm a plasterer not a brickie.

I came here for some constructive input for a problem but seems to me to be a far from professional attitude imployed here.


That's made me sad now. Why have you done this to me.
def take plasterboard off and EML over stud covering the joint between brickwork and stud then sand and cement it all. You have done everything you can to stop any cracking :hueco:
Thinking about it ! EML, render with s&c would give you a better life expectancy with regards to flooding and damp.
Also discovered this weekend at my own house existing ceilings boarded and coat of render then skin with no EML etc. Solid as f**k, built in 50's/60's. Render does stick to board in moderation. Keep thickness down. But why render the board work ? They don't make em like they use to !!!
Thinking about it ! EML, render with s&c would give you a better life expectancy with regards to flooding and damp.
Also discovered this weekend at my own house existing ceilings boarded and coat of render then skin with no EML etc. Solid as f**k, built in 50's/60's. Render does stick to board in moderation. Keep thickness down. But why render the board work ? They don't make em like they use to !!!

in the 60s we did render/ float ceilings. the old plasterboard lath sheets, could be floated with thistle fibre browning which was mixed with sand . neither of these materials are available today.
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