render over concrete ? knauf betokontakt

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I have a large concrete wall to plaster with sandcement its a boundary of a block of apartments and for some reason it has been painted.The site are supplying and there rep has suggested we use knauf betokontakt but I thought that was more or less just thistle bond ?
its a normal spec for concrete that. betoncontact is microgobetis so parex would give you that spec also. or they would give you the option to lankolatex the basecoat

not sure about when its been painted tho
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is it not black bitueos paint to stop damp and also the betocontact is only as good as the substrate its applied to if the paint is week the weight of the render woulld pull the paint off as well as the betoncontact with it . i am sure there is a few threads repeating them selves on this matter
wwwplasterkingcouk said:
you are takin the mick arent you flinny ????

No im being serious what will the EML do? come on spunky never mind postin in a different thread you gave up last night on this subject so what will the EML do and whats the point of it regarding the original question.
it gives a key to the new render and stops the paint falling off ........whats youre point fanny?
any render is only as good as the background its going on so as has been said before its a mechanical key and concrete is one of the worst how do you know what paint it is how long its been on whats in it ie lead etc either get it blasted off and rendaid it or give a mechanical key
Its a concrete wall the betacontact will provide the key fixin EML is a waste of time and money it would be a pain in the arse to fix and like you said "if there doing the spec go with it mate ".
wwwplasterkingcouk said:
any render is only as good as the background its going on so as has been said before its a mechanical key and concrete is one of the worst how do you know what paint it is how long its been on whats in it ie lead etc either get it blasted off and rendaid it or give a mechanical key

Betacontact even though its a manmade key it also provides a mechanical key.
so what happens when the paint falls off?..........strange flynny youre not usually this simple ;D
come on flinny i know you know i know your not that daft ?

so your trying to tell me that betokontact has bolts and washers in it that drill themselves into the concrete????

what if the paint fails which the betokontact is applied to and then the render to that what happens ?

stop trying to change the subject ;D.......youre up to date on specs mind using something designed for lightweight backing and projection plasters internally for sand/cement
spec what spec? you mean some plonker REP who doesnt know wtf he is talking about telling him to use betokontact ? im outta here i know whats what and im not getting drawn in no more you been around years flinn and should know better mate
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