render blown on re-rendered bungalow

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Well-Known Member
i top coated a bungalow for a builder who a do a fair bit of work for.he said we`ll scratch coat it and you and your blokes can top it.when i turned up,the scratch coat looked shocking.uneven lines made by scratcher,render over the beads,bold patches that had`nt been scratched and so on.
as it was a re-render (on blockwork)i said did you sbr scat coat first?he said no,just straight onto blockwork.
also i normally use cement,hydro lime as a rule but they said we use limebond and mortar sand(building sand & red mixed.
got a phone call today saying 75% of it`s blown.went to have a look and it`s f**ked.i`ve never had any problems in the past with my system.
these guys give me on average 10,000 plus work per year,any idea`s fella`s?
yeah, tell them to knock it all off and let you do it all. and not bother scratch coating it next time because they havent got a fuc.king clue
Possibilities are -

A - you redo it at your expense.

B - you offer to redo it at half your normal price so you are both kopping for the bill equally.

C - You tell him to pay you in full.

I'd push for B personally considering the amout they give you per year.

Did you mention how shight the scratch coat was before you started?
it would have been more profesional you telling him how crap the scratch coat was before going ahead which i would not of not knowing what went into it its your call
Best off doing your own scratching,could be alot of different factors ,these guys were only trying to save money,typical,it always ends in tears ,pennywise, pound foolish,he should cop the bill,top coat wont stay if the scratch coat is not properly prepared .Only dust sticks to dust.
madmonk said:
it would have been more profesional you telling him how crap the scratch coat was before going ahead which i would not of not knowing what went into it its your call

Exactly you should of said from the start "i will not be guaranteeing this job".
hav`nt had a chance to take any off yet.i praying both coats have blown.mentioned before laying on how ruff scratch was.he just laughed!!!.
the scratch coat could been a weaker mix than top coat mate ,that could make it blow, thats what id be blaming it on anyway ;)
get the mortar tested at a lab mate they will soon tell you the mixes and i agree with other comment the builders scratch coat is probably 6 to 1 or weaker and you have put a 4 or 5 to 1 top coat on it... that will pull it off.... ;)
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