re- skimming old walls

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I reskimmed 2 old walls which my brotherinlaw took off the wallpaper. PVA twice 3;1. The wall were not level, bonded some holes. However I used multifinish which was 3 months old, but looked fine, bags were not opened. While skimming the walls all looked fine and coats looked smooth. This morning I noticed so many blemishes, where there was bits of plaster. Whats the reason for this?, is it the plaster or my trowelling. or becasuse the walls are not straight . I reskimmed it again today, one
coat and its alot better. What happened????
My skimming on plasterboard is quite good though.
did you have sunlight shining down the walls this morning? if not don't be so critical we all get blemishes give it a mist coat first then aimes out the deformities youre only as good as youre last job ;)
I reskimmed 2 old walls which  my brotherinlaw took off the wallpaper. PVA twice 3;1. The wall were not level, bonded some holes. However I used multifinish which was 3 months old, but looked fine, bags were not opened. While skimming the walls all looked fine and coats looked smooth. This morning I noticed so many blemishes, where there was bits of plaster. Whats the reason for this?, is it the plaster or my trowelling. or becasuse the walls are not straight . I reskimmed it again today, one
coat and its alot better.  What happened????
My skimming on plasterboard is quite good though.
Hard to say what's caused this without seeing the blemishes. If the walls weren't straight then this wouldn't necessarily result in blemishes, just uneven walls. Need to make sure you fill any hollows when trowelling up.

Some of the blemishes might be just water marks that you can't actually feel when touching the plaster and therefore won't show up when the wall is painted. Also,make sure the final coat of PVA is tacky before you start skimming.

As for the plaster itself, there is a 'use by' date on the side of the bag. As long as it's been stored in a dry environment and is in date then you can't blame the plaster  ;)
Lighting was very bad, probably had !a bad day!! and plaster had been stored in a shed, may be I wisked it too much, as it had quite a few air bubbles
like dredge said mate poss poor trowel technique, let the first coat pick up so it's tackey before you lay the next coat into it and keep your trowel nice and flat when troweling up give it a dry trowel two wet trowels and a polish the rest is up to you mate
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