Pure white suppliers

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Private Member
I am after a brilliant white high gloss finish for a bathroom ceiling, can anyone point me in the right direction of a supplier please for this product if it exists, obviously im guessing the ceiling will need to be finished with a wax so any advice on a supplier / product names etc would be much appreciated.

Cheers AB
Airborne speak to andy at g'trowel I get all my stuff from him not only that he has every white marble and wax under the sun. if you want I can pm his number
Personally, I find white never seems to have the same effect as using a colour.
Most clients seem to ask for white, then seem disapointed as there is no variation or movement in the finish and it can have a plastic look.
It is always a popular choice, (ipod looking) and works well on ceilings but lacks the movement shown with colour.
You can ask your supplier to add Titanium Dioxide pigment (white) to the plaster or use it untinted.
A clear wax works well but I have also used silver wax, trowel applied to add a subtle movement.
i agree with uveco... white can look boring with no movement, i did a pale green on a wall and they even looked boring and flat until i waxed it with silver pigment added
Well you see, white is a good finishe if you base coating 2 coats with carrara stucco which addds depth and 3 coat classico, As wfor wax if people want white then silver shouldnt be added unles agreed. There are maniy white finishes that you can complete, it's how's it done.
Carraraboy not tried him yet mate, festive season and all that, busy getting nursery ready at home also which im against the clock with. its for a job at home mate not public so no mega rush, but thank you i will speak to him, Danny cheers for the link ill get on it next week.
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