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New Member
hello,ive got to put a price in for my first contract job,they have sent me drawing and the info on the job but i have to put a price in ive never priced up in metres so if any can help this is wot ive got to go on,thanks.

Wall finishes
Prepare and apply two coats plaster: generally to existing previously brickwork wall:M20/30 including all angle beads, scrim and the like: to remaining walls to former boys and girls toilet and store areas.

A over 300 wide 94 m2

Prepare and apply two coats plaster: generally to existing previously brickwork wall:M20/30 including all angle beads, scrim and the like: former corridor area.

B over 300 wide 80 m2

Prepare and apply two coats plaster; generally to blockwork walls including existing members of concrete columns;M20/30 including all angles beads, scrim and the like.

C over 300 wide 9 m2

Prepare and apply two coats plaster; to existing concrete columns;M20/30;including all angle beads.

D over 300 wide 6 m2

E not exceeding 300 wide 14 m

Apply aluminium expanded metal mesh; to blockwork walls.

Vertical; 300 wide; at abutment of blockwork walls and
F existing concrete columns 10 m

Prepare and apply plaster skim coat; to plasterboard walls; M20/30; including all angle beads, scrim and the like.

G over 300 wide 96 m2

H not exceeding 300 wide 41 m

Provide and fix new 12.5 thick plasterboard and plaster skim coat ceiling as indicated on drawing 08/05/038; located to front of new double doors D3;finished flush with existing.

A over 300 wide 11 m2

Prepare and apply proprietary plaster bonding agent; to surfaces of existing ceilings;
Apply plaster skim coat.

B over 300 wide; provisional 50 m2
To summary £…………
as far as i know mate anything 300mm or less would be on a linear rate plus beads also an abutment is where an old wall has joined and old wall and now its gone ...........if that makes sense
id prolly use the spec sheet as a guide for materials e.g. 1 bag finish = 10m2 and use the drawing to price the labour (days x your day rate), then divide your labour by the metrage to get your metre rate...
on top of that work out your deisel costs and any other overheads, per day if you like, add it to your labour before chopping it down to metrage...
im guessing at hardwall and skim for the brick/block walls...
3m2 to a bag of hardwall...
add an extra bag of skim for every 50m for wastage..
add an extra bag of hardwall every 25m2 for thickness variation..
price your labour to be in at 9, gone by 4, dont kill yourself either...
dont price it as though you were workin for someone else either, your the main contractor now, you want payin for everything you do, including pricing the job office assumes 180 a day for builders in absence of paperwork...dont be goin in at 120...
if your gonna use a labourer, make money off him, same as if you use another spread...up to you how much you pay em, just make sure your makin more than your payin em...
price your materials at top whack then if you get the job, see if you can get it all in one hit for cheaper...
if you get a chance, go and look at the job in person, if you've not done work for this contractor before, you don't know the quality of the trades you're following. you might end up doing a couple of days squaring things up etc. i rarely give a price without looking first.
hello friends i rang up to have a look at the job and he said there not aload on site till the contract starts in to weeks but they want the quote in by this friday 19th september 2008,ive got to price up with wot i first posted,is wot i dont unstand is the a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h bit (over 300 wide) not exceeding 300 wide) and theres measurments that say 92m2 is that the size of the area to be plastered in one room but then theres a measurment that says 14m but why isnt it 14m2, if anyone can help me with the info i have put on it will be a bit help thanks coz i havnt got a clue with this one
sorry mate i cant make head nor tail of wots goin on ere, ive never had to work off plans but i would phone the builder and just ask him 2 explain a few things that way at least you know where you stand.
I take it m20/30 are the room numbers on the drawing?
You say A) 94m2 two coat work, float and skim im guessing so 94x £15 or whatever you charge, is it supply and fix?
not exeeding 300mm wide 'narrow widths'? do on linear meterage supply and fix. look at the drawing add your beads up for the windows. couple of boxes 3m skim beads maybe,
extra boards for dabbin reveals.
just add the total area meter square then times it by what ever your charging LO or S&F
total your linear meterage then times by,
total area of board work for ceilings divide by 2.88 for 8x4 boards few extra for reveals
gypbond as required, Adhesive as required, scrim as needed nails etc.
EML or rib lath as required 8x2 sheets
Add total area of plaster work in meter square plus total linear meterage, applying bonding agent and skim, metal and plaster,
add all together. hope this makes some kind of sense. There will be a scale on the drawing maybe 1:500 so you should be ok
i've not heard of linear meters for plastering, can't get my head round that... is it for plastering round rsj's etc?
anything less than 300mm, narrow widths £ per meter, say £5 per lin meter.
so 60 lin meters would work out at £300 supply and fix
cheers 4 your time lads i am geting there just slowly,
over 300 wide 96m2 say i charge £5 per m + plaster beading scrim (1 bag of finisher 10m2 = say 11 bags =£44 at £4 a bag,beads + srim = say £50 all in + £480 for the plastering 96m2 =£520.. i think i understant that bit...
not exceeding 300 wide can u explane this one to me again a linear meterage wud it b higher or lower than my £5 per m2,does it mine it long and narrow....thanks
dont forget to to account for wastage, and retention money, and most importantly a healthy profit, this is the most important thing if its your job then add a good 20% to your final figure and dont be afraid to show it in your costings, every company is entitled to make a profit and not just cover costs.
say im charging £5 per m2 wud i still charge £5 for the linear meterage for 14 m (not exceeding 300 wide) thanks
if say i charge £5 per m2 for skimming wot do u charge for carlite browing wud it be the same or do u guys charge more,i still need to work out the linear rate.cheers
i have a feeling you are going to get your fingers burnt on this oneyou shouldnt be quoting on big jobs unless you not what to do and what the risks are etc etc
the thing is if i went and seen the job no pro but ive never priced like this before,what kind of risk r they never dont contract work so dont no that much,and the stuff im asking i need to no what it meet anyway even if i didnt get the job so next time i will no more,i woulded like it to go wrong but if it works then ive got work for the next week or month.....thanks
welcome to business!!! :D
we've all got to start somewhere and thats what business is about, risk versus reward...go in too high and you risk losing the job, too low and youre gonna wish you never bothered...but either way, at least have a never know till you try...
duncan bannanatyne once had an ice cream he's a multi multi multi millionaire..
good luck with it mate, if its any help, a good rule for goin in blind is add a bit on to cover possible 'unforseen circumstances'
and another point to remember is that if you cant see the job first, then neither can anyone else so youre all in the same boat, thinking the same things...
cheers bigsegs :),
the quote is ready the only bit is the linear rate on the (not exceeding 300 wide) bit once ive worked a price out 4 that its in the post,,,so say u have a job 14m not exceeding 300 wide wot rate wud u charge,thanks
i'd charge it at 14m2..think of it like plastering round actually takes longer to get the reveals right than it would do to skim the same area on a flat wall....most plasterers disregard windows and doors when pricing up areas for that reason...e.g. forget the window is there, just charge metre rate for the actual size of the window even though the reveal area would usually be less..
then theres beading up time...if its 250mm wide its prolly gonna have at least 1 bead on it, possibly 2 and if not then its a narrow little alcove which is gonna be a right pain in the arse with a midget trowel...
in fact having that information up front is a credit to whoever knocked up the spec, they obviously know what to expect...
p.s. nothin to stop you addin an explanation to that effect in the quote, shows you know what your about...
i've been thinking about this linear rate all day! I came up with the same idea as segs, go in as if its square meterage, lots of faffing about in small areas.
cheers again the quote will be in post in moring, i will let yous no wot happens,if i get it then its my round lads ;D (cheers)
im back ;D sorry havnt posted quote yet could you have a look at this and just see if theres anythink that could mess my quote up.

Please take into consideration the following when preparing your quotation.

Allow for 2 and an half % main contractor discount.
Clearly identify any building works requirements.
Clearly identify and attendances required.
Clearly list any exclusions. relevant items not shown will deem to have been included in your quotation.
Allow for the provision of all necessary documentation to comply with CDM regulations
Allow within your cost for the supply of two sets of operation and maintenance documents.
Where necessary, design warranties will be required (if applicable).
Allow for the preparation and issue of fabrication drawing, which will be subject to approval from the design team (if applicable).
Allow for necessary access equipment and netting.
Indicate the length of time required on site.

'Clearly list any exclusions. relevant items not shown will deem to have been included in your quotation. '...
roughly translated - we expect you to be a direct descendant of mystic meg, anything we've forgotten to add we expect you to know about and include in your quote and can you please tell us so we can shoot the architect..

looks like a council style spec...
most of it is cut and paste, applies to all trades in general, a lot of it doesnt apply to operation and maintenance (i suppose you know that though)
i'd check your public liability....
check ceiling heights...see nicksey on 'access'.. :D
dunno who gets the 2 1/2 percent discount? are they bein cheeky? never heard of that one...
2 1/2% discount to be given in used bills to main contractor in local travel lodge..... ;D
theres 2 1/2% on top of the quote then  :-?
thats just it? i cant get my head round that one...are they sayin that THEY are the main contractor and so they expect you to be cheaper just cos they got the work?? be honest, if the job was massive 2 1/2 percent could be a lot of poke.. add it on and you could lose the job?? wtf?? something to do with VAT??
maybe theyre pre warning you theyre gonna knock it off your bill anyway so make sure you include it??
maybe its all part of the cut and paste thing that goes on when you get a drawing from a lazy architect...had that a lot in general building and when you pull the architect/contractor/gaffer its just bollox...
i'd ring em up to clarify...
alternatively chip the surveyor a grand he'll add it to the job then tell his boss youre the best man for the job and hey presto were all happy :D
heres a tip, up to u if you use it...when quoting for massive jobs on the general side i used to knock up a bit of a 'package'
basically a header sheet, cover letter, scope/contents (bullet points for individual sections) and print these on cheap photo paper - looks the bollox, the rest i stick on normal good quality printer paper...
theyre only people at the end of the day, and 'people' are impressed by shiny stuff...long as it looks professional, dont treat em like idiots but show youve spent a bit of time on
well, yeah, since you put it like that! ;D
thing is, they fire out all this 'legally worded architectural specification' give it em back, just dont make it too obvious you aint one of 'them'... ;)
there's a fine line between bullshit and genuine relevant information sometimes, and it can be a f**k*r to see where it lies too...
i once did just that package for a couple wanting an extension and extensive renovation...
my quote wanted 5 grand up front, another 5 on completion of oversite (work it out im still quids in by a long way) another 5 to wallplate, another 10 to ridge (funny shaped roof, still quids in) for job was 45 grand, total profit was around 18 grand...was my first big job since i set up on my it. out of 5 builders they chose lickle ol' me....they liked the 'professionalism'...
to be honest, at the time i didnt have a f'ckin clue how i was gonna get round this dodgy roof detailing they gave me (drawn by the local 'plans draw to scale but ive never seen a roof truss in my life' bloke)...
then i gave the job away...
nice one! sadly i struggle with that side of business, i get the odd bigger job, recommendations so i've the job before i even look at it....
well to be honest, its rare i have to go to that extent these days, thats the main reason i stick to plasterin...easy to quote...
if i had to do that every job i'd be a gibbering wreck by now, it takes hours of work and youre not guaranteed the job...job that size though..gotta be worth a punt...
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