Please can you help with meterage rate?

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New Member
I am new to this forum, so apologies for jumping straight into posting about rates of pay! My husband is a plasterer- sole trader. We have recently moved house to a different county and are getting more enquiries from customers/builders who want us to send out quick, sharp quotes with just our meterage rate. Instead of us taking the time to view a job and quote a price with day rate.
I wondered if any of you could help by sharing your rates on skimming, Dot & Dab then skimming, Smooth rendering and Pebble dash rendering; labour and materials.

Or is there a formula to calculating it when material prices change?

Many Thanks
And I hope you told the builders where to go? the same as we will say to you but in a nice way coz your a lady xx your husband knows the score and probably why he got you to ask :) we don't discuss rates the same as you didn't discuss them oh and welcome.
Hi julezabella. As above really. The only time I'll give a price without seeing the job in person is if it's for a trusted customer who I've worked for without any issues previously. There are too many pitfalls unless you know the customer you're dealing with will have the job ready to and to a good standard of workmanship before you begin.
I do all the paperwork, diary & phone calls, he does all the visits & hard work! Oh yes I'm sure he's sat on an upturned bucket relieved I'm doing the asking! It's been over 5 years since he's done price work, just happily charged day rate. But we've relocated, started advertising and have had builders enquiring about our rates. Now in the tricky situation of not having up2date figures in our heads, needing work, in fact "getting in with a good builder" could make a massive difference in our house move! Even considering buying a damned spons guide!
And I hope you told the builders where to go? the same as we will say to you but in a nice way coz your a lady xx your husband knows the score and probably why he got you to ask :) we don't discuss rates the same as you didn't discuss them oh and welcome.
Oh yes he's tucked me up, asking about this!
Welcome :)

But rates are a sore subject and cause a lot of unrest in the community
Thanks, money is always a sensitive issue. Does this forum have the ability to allow members to contact other members? I'm more than happy to be messaged privately & swear not to share my findings?


  • Please can you help with meterage rate?
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@Marshy I bet that picture is pretty tough chicken choking material but put your mind to it and im sure you'll manage(y)
Ffs tell your husband to grow a pair!

And haven't you got some dishes to wash or summet!

Go and get a bloody job or summet and leave him to sort his own man s**t out!

Its F*****g plagued this site at momentum with @Kitchy think I need a month away from all these lunatics!!!


You are making your husband seem a bit of a bender getting his mrs to come and gather intel.
That's another new member scared off then.
Do we actually want these kind of new members!? Dont you think recently there's been 2 many numptys coming on? Asking ur lass to come on asking m2 rate that's a whole new level if ur a plasterer u shud know m2 rate ursen
There's been quite a few daft threads started by new members, I would be really surprised if they were all legit and not someone at the wind up guys...
If a builder ask you fir rates just ask him what he normally pays and do the dance from there.

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Well come on ffs I mean what's it coming to bloody plasterers wife's asking for prices now....its like F*****g netmums or summet on here at moment!!!
My baby is teething, would you recommend Bonjela or Boots own brand teething gel?

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As always rates being discussed causes issue... Its in the welcome email...

New people should always get a warm welcome... but rates....
Do we actually want these kind of new members!? Dont you think recently there's been 2 many numptys coming on? Asking ur lass to come on asking m2 rate that's a whole new level if ur a plasterer u shud know m2 rate ursen
check out one of the other threads a bloke had his hand cut of a put back on again is asking if how much he can earn plastering and is it more then he is claiming!
its all gone crackers
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