
i do the plastering for a high end kitchen bathroom company. Pay me the second i message em with total. Every time
"Everybody quiet it's Lurpy, quick, stop what your doing and pay him this instant, there are not many plasterers in Birmingham (second city) we cannot afford to lose him.
"Everybody quiet it's Lurpy, quick, stop what your doing and pay him this instant, there are not many plasterers in Birmingham (second city) we cannot afford to lose him.

diy daddy
Its horses 4 courses at end of day..I dont live hand to mouth so dont need money on exact moment I finish the job..totally different if your referring to overskimming mrs jones artex living room ceiling,I get that but if u said that to a builder etc he would laugh you out of building..and £90k projects etc I ain't bothered about sending a few reminder texts to pay..
Sum up mobile card machine is way forward mate. Put it on quote that payment is required on day of completion however if this is done by card there is a x% charge on top. Covers the machine and more often than not the cash is waiting. Best £19 I’ve spent. “Oh I need to go get the cash” at 5pm. “Don’t worry , here’s my card machine”
Sum up mobile card machine is way forward mate. Put it on quote that payment is required on day of completion however if this is done by card there is a x% charge on top. Covers the machine and more often than not the cash is waiting. Best £19 I’ve spent. “Oh I need to go get the cash” at 5pm. “Don’t worry , here’s my card machine”
How much a month is it to have a card machine?
Sum up mobile card machine is way forward mate. Put it on quote that payment is required on day of completion however if this is done by card there is a x% charge on top. Covers the machine and more often than not the cash is waiting. Best £19 I’ve spent. “Oh I need to go get the cash” at 5pm. “Don’t worry , here’s my card machine”
I was in Toolstation yesterday I took the wrong bank card with me, at the till waiting to pay I just went on my phone and transferred 100 quid on to the card I had it took about 30 seconds,
No excuse on domestics you make it clear when you're finishing they should have payment lined up otherwise they're just inconsiderate c****
Going back to collect money is crap - years ago before getting into plastering I was a milkman, battery float (20mph), with no side doors (just plastic flaps you could pull in), my round was a village about 40 mins drive from the yard ( arrived at yard at 3am) to load crates of milk, butter, eggs and bread, then off my journey in the ‘bitter’ cold. After my round had finished about 10am, I then had to go back out there as some cnuts wouldn’t leave the money out...plastering a fukcing pleasure compared to that :)
300 a month cheap mortgage
No I said you should be able to save 300 a month not saying he was paying that. What you mean cheap morgatge. It comes down in the last years. I've got 8 years left on 48 thousand. 344 month fixed for 7 years
No I said you should be able to save 300 a month not saying he was paying that. What you mean cheap morgatge. It comes down in the last years. I've got 8 years left on 48 thousand. 344 month fixed for 7 years
We borrowed 64 I think 8 years back. She just knocked some years off and I think it 220 a month
Not if you spend the extra on niff.
Well that up to the individual I beleve you got to enjoy your self becouse you can't take money whith you. But on the other hand I think you got save a bit to unless you whant work till you drop dead