payment plan

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Dont know if this sounds a bad idea, but I ve been thinkin about offering a 28 day payment plan of some sort to me customers. Im not sure of the legalities of it but I was thinkin of writin up an agreement letter where it can be signed, cost of job etc, etc then they get 28 days to find the dollar.

Its only a thought at the moment cos works already startin to slow down, but just thought it might bring in a bit more work in the run up to xmas.

If you lads think its a stupid idea then let me know, but any constructive criticism welcomed, cheers
cant say id wana wait 28 days for money once ive finished a job.its bad enuff wen the selfish gits make u wait a few days after completion
Bad idea mate, I doubt it would bring you in any extra work and you would end up chasing the money
thing is once u tell a customer theyve got 28 days u kno there jus guna wait until the last day or untill u chase them up on it,,,never kno u may even forget all about that 100 skim set u did 3 weeks ago lol
This idea can surely only cause problems heafy!! This is the reason the world is in the state its in credit control if they aint got the funds to afford it when u agree to start then they should not be looking for the work to be done!!!
one guy said 2 me while dont a get a payment thing so people can pay by card and even add extras ect... nah!
Also the taxman would love you to start this plan going make his life easier as we all know we all do the honourable thing for the dole wallers!!!
good idea mate alot of people think of monthly outgoings not whats coming in need to go through a broker though so its secure bro in law has just done the same with plumbing ill pick his brains costs etc next time i see him
if things are already slowing down,then why squeeze your cash flow to 28 days + clearance.
no wonder your business is struggling if you think like that.
Sorry to be harsh mate,but you need this advice bigtime !!!
Dont do it.
sorry mate ive cocked up if you go to a good finance broker he might offer you the money up front and they will take the terms over 6 months etc
I've thought of this before but soon binned the many legalities involved, high cost in setting up and its very risky to do in the building trade...for example caraacks appear in your plaster 3 days later due to movement...customer says not get the idea.
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