pay rise

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The lad who labours for me asked today for a pay rise.

He has been with me for 12 months and I pay him £50 a day so £200 a week after tax, he is very good at his job, very reliable and is slowly picking up bits and bobs.

what do you guys think .... how much is reasonable? I am a bit worried because as of 1st feb I have to go VAT registered so I am sure we will loose most of the domestic work I get now plus if ben wants an extra £20 a day thats really going effect things badly.

what do you guys think.


i pay my lad 60 a day he works 5 till 7 and wont blink an eyelid and can cover 60 odd m on his tod will still do a few bags plus mixing if weve got good runs to a good quality ill be upping his wages soon he deserves it if youres is just doing labouring pay em the nat min wage and if they moan get rid and get another ...he needs to cover his money mate remember when you were a subby ?
richardbrown said:
The lad who labours for me asked today for a pay rise.

He has been with me for 12 months and I pay him £50 a day so £200 a week after tax, he is very good at his job, very reliable and is slowly picking up bits and bobs.

what do you guys think .... how much is reasonable? I am a bit worried because as of 1st feb I have to go VAT registered so I am sure we will loose most of the domestic work I get now plus if ben wants an extra £20 a day thats really going effect things badly.

what do you guys think.


Very good and very reliable in the same sentence, answers your own question surely? exactly the kind of person you want to let loose with your new toy. What's an extra £20 a day really..
i have had my lad for three years and i pay him £40 a day, he skims two walls per hit.

you give your lad an inch and i guarantee he will take a mile! its up to you to give him a pay rise not up to him to ask for one. just explain to him about the recession and that he is lucky to have a job at all >:(
pay him 70 and before you know it hell want a oner for doing f all .....have a word rich and tell him you cant afford it ???
tuff one. always think that he's got justify the pay rise can you he spread put beads up etc. me i'd tell him to sit tight and you'll review it in a couple of months. (lucky to have work as mentioned previous posts) as we all know its still tough out there. the good lads are worth keeping as we know but we're in business to make living/ profit, so if its not possible to put your rates up to absorb it you can't do it. not good business sense. just my opinion for what its worth..
richardbrown said:
The lad who labours for me asked today for a pay rise.

He has been with me for 12 months and I pay him £50 a day so £200 a week after tax, he is very good at his job, very reliable and is slowly picking up bits and bobs.

what do you guys think .... how much is reasonable? I am a bit worried because as of 1st feb I have to go VAT registered so I am sure we will loose most of the domestic work I get now plus if ben wants an extra £20 a day thats really going effect things badly.

what do you guys think.



If he isnt drivin pay for drivin lessons and test and tell him his wages will go up once he passes an insentive for him and he will be worth the pay rise with a license.
why so he can labour on someone else with no tools ...............tell him to buy loads of tools to get himself self sufficient and get the bus to work ???
you soft bastards
spunky said:
why so he can labour on someone else with no tools ...............tell him to buy loads of tools to get himself self sufficient and get the bus to work ???
you soft (french person)s

then he will have to listen to you talkin s**t on the bus ;)
spunky said:
why should he have a driving lisence if he cant plaster ?

He could pick gear up, drop gear off go and load another job up, be left on his own to clean up then make his own way to the next job the list is endless spunky its a lot better than the bus educate yourself man its the key.
so 50 a day for a chap who can mix up and get youre shopping from morrisons sounds like a bargain ??? now he wants an extra 20 quid ....................
spunky said:
so 50 a day for a chap who can mix up and get youre shopping from morrisons sounds like a bargain ??? now he wants an extra 20 quid ....................

if rik is goin vat registered he must be doin pretty well so for a good lab an increase isnt much but personelly i would tell him to get to f**k lol
In normal times i would say if he is reliable give hive a bit more. But its not and times arn't rosy. I'd tell him find another job on the more money and take it. which he wont right now. Then i would knock his money down by a tenner a day for asking for a pay rise in a t**t of a time ( does he not watch the news ) and you know what he still wont f**k off cos he wont be able to get a job. Oh yeah and then i would find someone else and f**k him off
too right mate but jord could get his kit together and hed piss over roids .....if there just mixing nat min wage only
spunky said:
too right mate but jord could get his kit together and hed (french word) over roids .....if there just mixing nat min wage only

wont be long before your lab goes out on his own especially with him being able to read and add up then you would be f**k*d.
blah blah blah of course it could happen ....thanks for worrying for the meantime though fanny means alot too me ;)
Tell him you're pleased with him and he's a good kid but times are tough as he should know and you'll give him an entra fiver a day, if that's not enough ta ta.Two of you can run that G4 easy.
How old is the lad and is he driving ? Im allways a little concerned when lads ask for more money ,it shows that are looking at the job in a different way to how they should be , i allways look at how they preparing thereselves for there trade in the future when it comes to pay , have they got there own vehicle, are they buying there own tools etc are they bringing in you any work and looking after your company intrests first ? I was allways to scared to ask for more money from the blokes i worked for and i had a bit of respect for what they done .
I think a good labourer is worth 300 a week quite easily! he shouldnt expect much more than that though, not until hes actually able to make you money by laying a couple of walls on at same time as you etc/
barryed said:
In normal times i would say if he is reliable give hive a bit more. But its not and times arn't rosy. I'd tell him find another job on the more money and take it. which he wont right now. Then i would knock his money down by a tenner a day for asking for a pay rise in a (french word) of a time ( does he not watch the news ) and you know what he still wont (french word) off cos he wont be able to get a job. Oh yeah and then i would find someone else and (french word) him off

give over if ya never ask ya never get simple. i give my lab 50 but if he puts in a bit extra graft ill give him an extra 20-30 at the end of the week.

thing is the lad needs rich but rich needs the lad too.
its ok saying sack him and get another but then ya gotta f**k about finding one thats reliable, not braindead, wants to learn and lives local, not as easy as it sounds.

offer him an extra tenner a day rich but tell him hes got to prove hes worth it and start lessons etc.
he will be happy with an extra tenner and your not losing too much extra
Thanks for the replys guys ...

This is what I have decided.

He is up to his ass in debt (about 11k) so this is really draining his monthly income but he has a flash rx8 and a zx6r. I told him today if he sells both the car and the bike and pays off his debts then this will save him £100 per month and also a lot of stress. I will then buy him a van .... employ him AND pay for him to go to college 1 day a week to get himself qualified.

He's thinking about it.

personally I think I have offered him a very good deal.

i'd snap your hand off mate. tell you what. wish the bloke i work for would buy me a van! if hes got any sense they'll be gone by tomorrow
richardbrown said:
Thanks for the replys guys ...

This is what I have decided.

He is up to his ass in debt (about 11k) so this is really draining his monthly income but he has a flash rx8 and a zx6r. I told him today if he sells both the car and the bike and pays off his debts then this will save him £100 per month and also a lot of stress. I will then buy him a van .... employ him AND pay for him to go to college 1 day a week to get himself qualified.

He's thinking about it.

personally I think I have offered him a very good deal.


Sounds like a good deal Rich!! He'd be dull to walk away from that. Your doing your best for him in difficult times... Hope he sticks with you.
THANKS GUYS .... My ethic is "look after me and i'll look after you" I will do my best for him .... if he F ucks up then its all down to him.

Hes thinking about it! Christ mate if I was in his shoes and offered a deal like that I'd bite yer hand off!
No messin if i would have offered some one a del like that and they said to me ill think about it I would sack em and have kicked them out of a moving van. >:(
richardbrown said:
Thanks for the replys guys ...

This is what I have decided.

He is up to his ass in debt (about 11k) so this is really draining his monthly income but he has a flash rx8 and a zx6r. I told him today if he sells both the car and the bike and pays off his debts then this will save him £100 per month and also a lot of stress. I will then buy him a van .... employ him AND pay for him to go to college 1 day a week to get himself qualified.

He's thinking about it.

personally I think I have offered him a very good deal.


You can't be any fairer than that, if he can't see that your a decent bloke to work for after that offer then there's no hope for him.
richardbrown said:
Thanks for the replys guys ...

This is what I have decided.

He is up to his ass in debt (about 11k) so this is really draining his monthly income but he has a flash rx8 and a zx6r. I told him today if he sells both the car and the bike and pays off his debts then this will save him £100 per month and also a lot of stress. I will then buy him a van .... employ him AND pay for him to go to college 1 day a week to get himself qualified.

He's thinking about it.

personally I think I have offered him a very good deal.

deal or no deal. i say deal. he'd be a stupid to pass this up. let us know the out come. hope it works out. if he don't take it i'm sure one of us lot will... ;)
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