Patching Sockets

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Private Member
I'm currently patching a rewire 16 double sockets and 6 light switches and 4 previous double sockets. Its a nightmare of a job i've had to bolster alot of the lose plaster away and strip back 3 seperate layers of wallpaper  :'(

The way i was taught to do this was to fill with bonding...just before it goes off use the back of trowell to take 2mm off patch...then scim with multifinish.

The builder i'm working for reckons it would be alot quicker if i used 50/50 hardwall/multi...which i've never tried.

Any tips from the pros?

oh yeah and what would you be expected to be paid for the above?...also consider that i have had to expand alot of the chases bacause of lose paster making alot of the patches alot bigger.
if i were u i'd do it the builders way, he's the one payin u, and the one who's gonna get the rap if the customers not happy, and by the sound of it it'll get wallpapered again...
what he's sayin is if you go 50/50 youll get a good enough finish to wallpaper over in 1/3rd the time, just treat it like skim when its gone a bit and it'll trowel up ok...not perfect but good enough for wallpaper...if it does shrink a bit its the builders problem...specially if you let him know that first...
cheers bigsegs unfortunately i've prepared most of them with bonding now..and you right it is getting wallpapered. Oh well it will be a good job just have to remember that for next time :)
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