Over boarding


Well-Known Member
What's everyone e thoughts on over boarding a large living room ceiling?
The room is around 7x4 with a crack running through the middle of the room.
Will the weight be a issue?
Counter batton running oposite way nice wide battens not roof batten crap. Decent fixings and board away mate (i obviously dont need to tell you to stagger the joints)
Counter batton running oposite way nice wide battens not roof batten crap. Decent fixings and board away mate (i obviously dont need to tell you to stagger the joints)

Will that not add to the weight gregg?

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If the crack is in the middle, that means is sagging already. More weight will make it worse without additional support. What's above the ceiling?
i would find the joists and over board , 12mm board. staggered joints and making sure that boards span the crack.
Dont bother over boarding, screw original up as they usually have dropped on the nails causing cracks, scrim and overskim with your preferred method.

Downstairs I wouldn't think weight is too much of an issue. But often ceilings are done before internal walls meaning there isn't any support at edges of some walls. Cross batten is a very strong method but losing 2 inches off a ceiling and if your gonna for it properly then take the old one down first.

Just my opinions and not hating on overboarding.
You can only stagger one side so there is always a line from side to side. Usually going across the joists.

Put a couple of screws in it around crack area, I bet you that it will pull the original board up.
What's everyone e thoughts on over boarding a large living room ceiling?
The room is around 7x4 with a crack running through the middle of the room.
Will the weight be a issue?

when we carry this type of work out for a structural engineer. we over board first with ply. screw every 50mm, then overboard plasterboard. ply has great strength.i have never known this method to fail and never had any problems with added weight.
Here's some overboarding
Over boarding
Mf ceiling, if one, is way stronger than batton- button -joist - hoist structure. If is mf , the only way to fix it is to open it and see how is done. Sometimes I am truly surprised how creative people are. Last week spend 4 days at the royal academy of music on baker street and the one we had to fix had the mf7 fixed flat which was f**k**g hilarious.
I'd be tempted to rake out the crack and see if it has been scrim taped underneath, if it has been scrimmed you can assume the ceiling hasn't been built properly? Also I've known some fixers to use course thread screws on metal instead of fine thread.
Fill crack with easy fill charge top whack and leggit :D

They live 2 bungalows down!!
As above it's a bungalow so no foot traffic above.
Interesting views here
There a nice old couple so I might help them out as they have had monkeys in before!!

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They live 2 bungalows down!!
As above it's a bungalow so no foot traffic above.
Interesting views here
There a nice old couple so I might help them out as they have had monkeys in before!!

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Always good to know fellow spreads can genuinely care for customers best interests rather than getting top dollar the be all and end all
They live 2 bungalows down!!
As above it's a bungalow so no foot traffic above.
Interesting views here
There a nice old couple so I might help them out as they have had monkeys in before!!

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If it's not a dorma jump in the loft and assess why it's cracked might be a load of junk up their or one of the strengtheners may have come loose. Add a few more strengtheners then just overboard and skim.
They live 2 bungalows down!!
As above it's a bungalow so no foot traffic above.
Interesting views here
There a nice old couple so I might help them out as they have had monkeys in before!!

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Not those damn monkeys again f**k**g around everywhere
Over boarding