i can understand everyone saying that we should all stick to our guns and demand a top wage and in an ideal world we would all be on 150 a day or whatever, but the reality is far from it, if you are asked to price a job the whole point is that you try and beat any other price therefore getting the contract, so we are all cutting each others throats in a way, and there are people who will work for 40 , 50 or 60 a day or whatever , its human nature, so if you got to work for 100 a day so be it, hopefully work will pick up and so will the money. in domestic ive found that most of my customers around here are on about 230 to 250 a week, he will leave at 7.30 and be back in at 5.30 or 6 and he earns 50 a day so he isnt going to give 2 figs if a plasterer or brickie etc thinks he should be earning 4 times what he brings home, he doesnt want to hear about tax outgoings buying tools paying silly money for diesel, insurance ,accountants etc, he thinks the plasterer or who ever is taking the piss, and will therefore search for a cheaper price, human nature again and this in turn knocks prices down, this gets worse in a reccession cos the customer has to scrimp and save and therefore get tightfisted, plus everyman and his dog knows how much a bag of skim costs and they see these courses for 250 quid saying they will teach you plastering so they start putting 2 and 2 together and come up with the fact that all plasterers are thieving lazy scum bags .