old fashioned lime ?? help ??

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New Member
hi i have an old fashioned lime job to do on Monday :-\ and i have never watched anyone do it ?? haven't got a clue how to do it :-\ not even sure what are the correct tools to use ?? lol as u can tell i am a newbie help help help please !!!
is it lime rendering or plastering? as you need different materials if its rendering you should just purchase your material direct as its allready proportioned out just chuck in a mxer and add water... dont forget to allow 5 days minimum betweeh each coat to allow for carbonation before you put next coat on... if the temeratures are high you will have to keep the walls wet by soaking 2 - 3 times a day every day... the if its outside render you will probably havr to use mportar fleece to protect it also... anyway lets know what your doing
how about let some1 that at least has a clue take on the job! i take things on that im not 100% on but to no nuffin!
yer its already nocked up so would be rendering ? how do i got about it then ? time between trowels would be great to know, tools ? help plz ..... oasis fair comment i would give it to some other spredz i know who are crying out for work but then i would be in the same boat as them lol
doing walls, the walls are just brick and others part larves and brick so any information would be appreciated
Hi mate

Bit lost ??? are you working outside or inside i ask as you said it was render but then you said it was brick and part larves, mate if you realy hav no idea how to use lime then you are realy going to hav problems with this job and you are going to get burnt :( if you know of another plasterer that has used lime get him in with you just an idea
yer sorry right this is the situation just started for this little firm well about a two years ago doin refurbs been skimming for them and the next job is interior lime. i have told the gaffer i have never touched lime before. he said its fine come in give it ago, he said its already knocked up, u just have to stick in a mixer with a bit water to losein it up. i said it was brick and part brick part lavers walls, just so i could get as much info on it as possiable. i dont not alot more intill monday when i get to the job. im intesrted in lime work and also i dont wanna turn up on site not knowing a thing! so please help!! if i cant see any progress when im doin after a few weeks i will take ur advice on getting someone else to do it or getting them in with me so any info or even step by step way to do it then brilliant !! cheers
hi mate

Hi mate hav a look at this it may help you

but i realy would get some one in with you at the begining becouse if you get it wrong you will hav no end of problems my first time i let it dry out to fast and it cracked all over and started to blow i had to knock the wall back and start again good luck mate and go to the garden center and get a plant sprayer i hav the 15ltr one best way i found of keeping the walls and lime damp
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