No reading from pressure guage

Hi lads,
Were spraying fine but not getting any reading. I've took guage off and given it a clean, checked for cracks in the glass but still not getting a reading.
Any thoughts?
Hi there just a couple of questions what material are you using and how many meters of hose and finally what machine is it? Then i may have some idea of why you have no pressure showing
Give it a pressure test and let it get really high not for to long though
That's cleared the problem for me

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Hp12 and many other k rend products run at very low pressure.
You can test if your pressure guage is working by either a pressure test as mentioned .
run water through the machine and hose and then try kinking the hose for a couple of seconds and see if the pressure guage moves

or take the guage off and push your thumb against the plate on the bottom of the guage to see if it moves. if it does its ok.

If it doesnt move at all and you have checked for any restrictions then its fuucked and you need a new one
I'm actually going to laugh out loud the next time I see you have a machine issue..
Bloody hell you seem to of lost your sense of humour!!
Anyhow if I have a problem with my machines I have a number of pft dealers I can phone to quickly put me right,which doesn't happen to often by the way.x

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