Nightmare job

John j

Mono Don
Customers only checking everything with levels and square . . . Old f**k**g house as well . Good job it's day rate . Joiner says he pulls everything
I've had jobs like that skimming over old artex walls, had to spirit level all the skim beads because he was checking everything only problem was to get the beads right it would pull out the skirting line or ceiling line, nightmare.
I've got the same here working on a Victorian downstairs hallway in and around the front door people coming in and out getting on my tits, cleaners came this morning too wtf and delivery guy just asking me too sign for stuff , told that idiot my jobs more important than his, do one
Boarded hallway and I bet it's a good inch n half of wall in places . Other sides stud wall .Joiner said I bet he gets me board it again so Arcy is same both sides of door. Only thing is you.ll need a 10 Inch door case on other wall
I worked for an engineer once... that was hell
This is for a jet pilot of fighter pilot . Pulled som cills joiner had done n some stud walls that were out of square . So now I,ve got to square a wall up to his stud wall that's 2 inch out so reveals are gonna be different
This is for a jet pilot of fighter pilot . Pulled som cills joiner had done n some stud walls that were out of square . So now I,ve got to square a wall up to his stud wall that's 2 inch out so reveals are gonna be different

have fun with that, as long as the money reflects the hassles its no problem :D
This is for a jet pilot of fighter pilot . Pulled som cills joiner had done n some stud walls that were out of square . So now I,ve got to square a wall up to his stud wall that's 2 inch out so reveals are gonna be different
My reveals are always different............symmetry isn't all it's cracked up to be......
Good day today 4 bags of dot in tub n mixer dies . Hoping it's just cable had to mix it with lads 50 quid mixer thought it was gonna set on fire
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Well today customer asked me to go patch summet up . It was only under a radiator where plumber chopped pipes in as I had put em in wrong place even though I asked foreman where they need to be. Jobs been a pain . We were do I g hallway while all other trades were in and out .up n down stairs . Just said get plumber to tale rad of and I.ll do it as I.m not laying on me back to skim under there . Skirting was on as well and I had all ready patched a foot wide length all way up stairs as he had decided he did want new staircase after we had boarded and skimmed old one in . And it was fricking oak so had to wrap it all up first
Worst is when they smash holes in plasterboard with a hammer, then when you ask them why they haven't spent 5 mins cutting a square hole they just say well that's your job. f**k**g cowboys
I absolutely hate it when any trade has no consideration or the next one following them it shows that person up for being what they are unprofessional, lacking foresight and job knowledge and well damn F*****g rude. Its manners really at the end of day and there are some right right rude f**k**s out there either trained or brought wrong or both.
I absolutely hate it when any trade has no consideration or the next one following them it shows that person up for being what they are unprofessional, lacking foresight and job knowledge and well damn F*****g rude. Its manners really at the end of day and there are some right right rude f**k**s out there either trained or brought wrong or both.
One thing I learnt is . If the joiner missed a nogging. It's normally quicker for me to bang o e in the run round site moaning about it . Gets me when others won't do same . get to plenty of jobs Where I could easily moan for first hour but only gets me behind so just crack on. Other day I had to cover oak staircase the move a load of s**t e to other room . On day rate so prefer this to plastering . Said I.m best paid labourer 1
I worked for an engineer once... that was hell

I've done that. Putting a patio down made out of railway sleepers that bent about 4 inches this way and that.

Then the cheeky t**t was out with his laser his wife holding the pole to check me.
I've done that. Putting a patio down made out of railway sleepers that bent about 4 inches this way and that.

Then the cheeky t**t was out with his laser his wife holding the pole to check me.
What was the wife like?.
Yep engineers are absolute cocks!

I had one once telling me about how he was fitting a kitchen and he was going to use a micrometer every 5mm to measure between ceiling and top of units so he could fit a infill perfect.

So I just laughed and said watch this I used a pencil 1" block of wood with pencil held against and ruled it off against ceiling.

100% perfect fit!

Shove that up your blue boiler suit and goggles yer numpty! BOOM!!!
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Nightmare job
I got told some multi trade has said this could be sorted in a day I laughed I said 3 days minimum the low bit on left was all breeze block and continued down to the low level as next door garden higher so all it's done is soak up the water and as I tapped with hammer it all fell apart so had to relay couple course bricks pour the bit behind lay more bricks when that set then I got all paint off brick work slurried it then scratch then top yeah ok a day this is getting more common for me at min but I've now resulted in telling the people when you deal with me you ain't dealing with a plasterer your dealing with an artist
View attachment 18804 I got told some multi trade has said this could be sorted in a day I laughed I said 3 days minimum the low bit on left was all breeze block and continued down to the low level as next door garden higher so all it's done is soak up the water and as I tapped with hammer it all fell apart so had to relay couple course bricks pour the bit behind lay more bricks when that set then I got all paint off brick work slurried it then scratch then top yeah ok a day this is getting more common for me at min but I've now resulted in telling the people when you deal with me you ain't dealing with a plasterer your dealing with an artist

Love yer to bits @Pagey

But surley you could hack off and use 1 coat bagged render in a day for this pal?
Up and on it to repay a favour to bro in law . Three fricking gauges , high ceilings said to wife don't need this today , she said favour for a favour I said ye but this is back breaking . So is fitting a bath room she said . What I said next is unwritable on here
Up and on it to repay a favour to bro in law . Three fricking gauges , high ceilings said to wife don't need this today , she said favour for a favour I said ye but this is back breaking . So is fitting a bath room she said . What I said next is unwritable on here
Good luck