New generation of spreads!!!

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I’m only 31, way too young to have kids! :D

When your time comes will this be you? Lol!
not so sure jess ,could be you are in denial,certainly hinting and talking about it a lot more,and now mum is involved in conversation,..invite mum on lets hear her views ,.....and no your mum has not taken over my account,....

Hector, I’m really not sure inviting anyone’s mum on here is particularly wise.

Always good to see you back posting buddy.
Hector, I’m really not sure inviting anyone’s mum on here is particularly wise.

Always good to see you back posting buddy.
i think you are right gps,dont know what i was thinking about,.....heat has got to me all the best
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not so sure jess ,could be you are in denial,certainly hinting and talking about it a lot more,and now mum is involved in conversation,..invite mum on lets hear her views ,.....and no your mum has not taken over my account,....
Careful what you wish for my mum is terrifying! Small rabid red head! Makes Si s**t himself! :LOL: