Everybody is getting hacked off with these types of accounts.... all they are doing is jeopardising the forum and in the long run could ruin it. It may seem funny to you but its not helping the forum and giving myself and the mods even more work which we just don't need at the moment
New members are being accused of being fake and that is not what this place needs.... Every member deserves the respect you would give them if you met them in person!
A question is a question if you don't want to answer it don't but don't post abuse or slag them off.
This place was started to help people before, during and after their plastering career.... I intend to keep it that way.
I will be spending the next couple of weeks trawling through IP addresses and deleting the accounts and banning the members who have duplicate accounts.
SO if you want to avoid banning send me a message as to who you are and you will get away with a warning.
Don't go screwing this place up.... :RpS_cursing:
also if you know that someone is faking then let me know as well...
Everybody is getting hacked off with these types of accounts.... all they are doing is jeopardising the forum and in the long run could ruin it. It may seem funny to you but its not helping the forum and giving myself and the mods even more work which we just don't need at the moment
New members are being accused of being fake and that is not what this place needs.... Every member deserves the respect you would give them if you met them in person!
A question is a question if you don't want to answer it don't but don't post abuse or slag them off.
This place was started to help people before, during and after their plastering career.... I intend to keep it that way.
I will be spending the next couple of weeks trawling through IP addresses and deleting the accounts and banning the members who have duplicate accounts.
SO if you want to avoid banning send me a message as to who you are and you will get away with a warning.
Don't go screwing this place up.... :RpS_cursing:
also if you know that someone is faking then let me know as well...