Mono on old victorian brick work

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Right we got a job that is a old victoria terrace and they want it done in mono. They seem to want use to go over the old painted render which is sound on the gable and front.

Am i right in thinking this is not the way to go? what feels right to me is to take the whole lot back to brick work then give it a scratch coat and cement and sand with waterproofer in it.

would the mesh go in the mono or in the scratch coat?

also is it mesh in all the mono or just in stress points and over cracked brickwork?

or is old brick work just not suitable at all?
there may also be an implication to use thermal render if its no cavity or has not been upgraded internally.

just get the customer to agree to say he refused the ruling and carry on as you were. take off the old first use rendaid or similar if its accrington type brick
Did you know that thousands of Acrington reds were shipped out to New York as ships ballast to be used for the foundations for the Empire State building the only brick in the world that the Yanks could find up to spec for the job.
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