Microcement Advice


New Member
Evening all.

Been offered the chance to do a 30sqm floor at a mate's house with KCberry microcement traffic. He is well aware that I have never used it but seems to have faith in me!! Got my head around basecoats but can't find any info on technique for top coat.

Do you need to keep a wet edge? Does trowel technique have big effect on finish? Am I just a crazy chancer?

Any advice will be much appreciated.

Yeah thanks for the mention.
Nowhere near as well practised as the other guys but I was taught to work from wet onto dry.
Also try to get any trowel marks or lines out of your base coat ie. needs to be mint.

Get yourself some mdf boards and have a good practice.

As @plas1 says...a 30m floor is huge for a beginner...
I agree. If you haven' had a go before you will probably struggle. It would be like spraying k rend to a gable when you haven't rendered a day in your life. I do a lot of Venetian and micro cement but never tried rendering full on. As said, have a go on a sample board to see how the wet coat reacts with the initial dry coat. See how you achieve the trowel lines and contours. Floors are more difficult than walls . This said, you don't know what your capable of until you try. Down side is, you won' get paid for your time if you make a hash of it and your mate will have to fork out for materials again. Would be worth getting someone with experiece local to you to do it but you tag along and learn on the job.
Well had a pop at it! Went okay. Learnt a lot!! Used Achtis politura with matt sealer. The customer went for the lamiest colour..so I think I am responsible for the blandest micro-cement award :)


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