major help needed

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New Member
hi i have just finished a 16 week plastering course and it was rubbish i hardly learnt anything so i am going to try and improve by plastering every room in my house all i want to know is when gettting started i know you start from the ceiling but from there i havent a clue which walls are best to do first after the celing can i plaster joining walls or do i plaster opposite walls also anyone got any tips for perfect corners on joining walls as i am not very good at these
any help would be greatly appreciated
alrite mate if your just a beginner then dont do joining walls itll be a nightmare wen your trying to trowel 1 wall youll be messing up the other do opposites if you must do joining walls then try an internal corner trowel
thanks for the tip i have an internal corner trwol but have never used one do i have to let the oppsite walls dry before i plaster the wall that joins the two walls
Yes let the walls try before doing other,also if your just begining start with a small wall only do one at a time and try to trowel it the best you can,let it dry then tackle another trying to improve all the time.Dont rush it because thats when you will get problems,give them a good pva first ;)
hi mate where did you go for 16 weeks that couldnt teach you anything? every time i work with a diff spread i learn something new they must be well bad
16 weeks is a loong time to learn nowt.....

Stick with it though you will get it in the end

hi it wasnt that i didnt learn anything it was just a case of here is your tools get on with it and everything was already done for you like walls pva'd the browning had already been put on wall ect you never get anytime with the trainer i done the course in newcastle upon tyne
a did a course at sunderland there wasnt any 1 to help you there either but to be honest a just learnt meself a think with plastering you have to learn yourself at the end of the day you can only be shown so much then its just practice
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