list of different renders

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Private Member
Would it be possible for you guys in the know to give a list of different mono renders and manufactures on the market. It would seem to me there are lots out there and a minefield knowing what renders are best suited to blocks, bricks, or going over other render etc. Its one thing reading the spec sheet and an other using the renders
in real time, nearly forgot is there different mesh for different back grounds.

If you do not ask you never know
cheers Henry
theres to many to list must be near a hundred id say at the mo parex for mono alumasc and wetherby for thin coat and not forgeting primo rend for both systems
then you have weber, krend, prorend, sto, knauf, all the eco renders, each company will have there own spec of mesh for types of systems, The best thing to do is stick to one you like and you know is good and try to get the spec changed. We will always go for parex as we find it one of the better renders, others may say they prefer krend.
delivery is a big factor, buy from a merchant and you will get hiab or moffet delivery, buy from a manufacturer and you will have to get involved in offloading it. The drivers are lazy pricks who never have sat nav and will never understand why you dont know the quickest way for him to get there. Oh and they expect you to be there for delivery so u could be waiting all day with nothing to do
yeah i agree far too many to list but really no point in listing them here all you need to know is that they all do a range that is equal to each other (more or less the same) in fact many are the same as in wetherbys mono is krend etc just a different wrapper the only real differences are the tiny details really

they will all spec the same too depending mainly on the background but two different firms will put forward the same spec more or less with the equal product
i think if your gonna start doin mono you need to look at the renders mined on the continent ,the german ,french and spanish renders are good the english and irish renders have issues they dont seem to want to sort out!
sps told me there gear was from over germany way or somewhere

I think you can buy maxit in spain still and comes from same place but the it upset alot of users here when weber got their hands on it
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