Let see your Pics

Is that that varnish sort of s**t wallpaper?
Fking horrible to go over is what it is! Had 2 good coats of pva and still goes on a bit snakey couldn't use a grip on it as f**k all thickness on because of dildo rail and skirting edge tight as a nuns crutch!
Nope day 1 of skimming pva and prep Monday 2 ceilings and alcove on one hit then blast wall on second hit eat sleep repeat!
Need to be down bottom of stairs by Friday then just ceiling living room dining room and both fireplace job done cash please!
Yeah but you've made a nice job of it. Was going to ask questions but now seen you've answered in later posts. Cheers.
Mate he's left polystyrene cove up as well nightmare! Just gotta do best you can with some jobs told him not to expect miracles after my advice how to do it! But he's just flipping it getting all work done then straight back on market!
When Danny asked the question on Monday I was still trying to come up with some numbers that matched up for my late tax self assessment submission, like doing 3 dimensional Soduko.