K Rendner Garden walls

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Hi Guys... & Gals
New to this site. Im A Builder from Cheshire Area. Have a wee problem I hope I can get some advice on please.
Couple of years ago, in that Hot Summer spell I did two K Render jobs back to back. Used my usual plasterer who's Brilliant, and is also an Accredited K render installer.
He did a house extension for us, Which has been fine. He also did some garden walls, that were approx 800mm high from a patio area. We put Coping stones over hanging the tops, and K rendered right down to 10mm above the patio on to a Bell/stop bead. Didn't want to leave a DPC gap as it would show a large break in panle which was only 800 wide to begin with.
MY plater was happy to do this, and I didn't question any DPC bridging issues, As we had put a damp membrane behind & under the wall. Anyway. A couple of years have passed, and we have had several problems. Firstly water drains down the face at the lowest point of the coping which is the pointed joint. and drags soil/dirt (likely in the rain) down the face at every coping joint. leaving lots of lines. Also I think the bottom has been to wet as its now starting to crumble and break away. on the corners, It looks to have shrunk back from the corner beads, and is generally looking crap all round. As we haven't left 150 DPC| line at the bottom, K rend aren't being very helpful. Not after pointing any fingers. Just after some solutions. Customer is adamant they want a Mediterranean look! even though it rains more days than its dry in Manchester.
Just after some solutions that people feel would be adequate. Or should i just stear completely away from a coated surface? Was wondering about traditional sand cement with Seeker /SBR in it? would this hold and last with a painted surface to seal it?
any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks Trev
I personal wouldn't use a through coloured render on retaining/garden walls due to this problem.
Sand & cement would of been the better option with the option to paint every few years.
Going over the top now would be risky
Make your coping stones wider and once weathered running the opposite way to the wall.

Pressure wash (low) the render with detergent and then use a sealer.
The drip bead is so low to ground that splash back will soak into it.
I always advise against mono on garden walls unless there are built properly to withstand damp coming through the back or up the wall which means tanking which adds costs.
I think k rend have a paint for there product if it needs sprucing up?
If there's bits falling out etc then it's no good patching as it will look terrible.
If there only small redo them but explain to client what can happen
Your plasterer should have sealed it from the start. I doubt it will clean up that well now without scarring. I'd probably touch the render in, wash it down and paint it.
I never understand why S/C is better ?Seen it loads of times with coping stone causing staining at the joints
Bang it on with Weber ! Lol ,,,,, wait for it !!
K Rendner Garden walls
Thanks guys for all your posts, The walls are mono, did have a DPC behind them, but as stated the drip is right at the bottom no dpc gap. its started to breakdown along the bottom edge in places, and on the corner beads. Feelings are definitely to remove the lot and start over. question is, will Sand cement stay on? or start to come away again in time. Could the surface be tanked first? then sand and cemented? Im not so sure. Thanks for all your comments. T
Here's some pics of the main job in discussion, plus another done same summer also suffering....


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I think it's where mono has the slight pitted finish to it it attract the staining easier and quicker.
Flat S&C is super smooth so it just runs off.
So do you think Sand and Cement option would be viable to my problem? or do I have underlying Damp issues that will spoil any covering? Thanks
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