K rend or not ??

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I am trying to find out what sort of render I have on my bungalow. It was put on about 6 years ago and has been fabulous, its just looking a little bit dirty now, some parts are going black with mold, and some are starting to look orange. I had a go at the mold with a hard scrubbing brush and this removed it, it comes away like sand, but I wanted to know how to clean a larger area ? I am terrfied to jet wash it, but I know if it is k rend it should be jet washed ?

Any ideas, or what is the best way to determine what kind of render I have


Hello mate - get a photo when its light... close up of the grain of the finish as well.

someone might be able to help then.
I would not advise jet washing any through coloured render.

Fungicidal treatment, esp to shaded/damp areas usually will control excessive build up, followed by a light scrub with soft broom and a hose down
get some pictures up and then some of the experienced guys on here will be able to assit.....

if you struggle adding pictures... search the forum for help, or just ask.
Pre wet but not soak the wall and with a soft brush scrub with a warm water and hand wash wool detergent. Lux if you can get it or the liquid type. Morrisons sell it.

Washing up liquid and the like are too strong and will leave detergent stains.
My flash is knackered, but it is a good point :) I'll try and add the images now whatever the hell a URL is ??
Really sorry about this how do I add pictures, I have gobe to the user control panel, but under networking I dont have the option to create an album, am I a member ?? (not funny replies please) I think I am.
K rend or not ??
K rend or not ??
K rend or not ??

Hope you can see these, the render I believe is Ivory, and I can rember saying it was something like chemi rend, but it was a long time ago now, any help in how to clean gratefully received
Hello again, one of my neighbors reminded me that it was applied on a saturday and then they came back the following day to dry float the walls flat, with a bizarre looking float in small circles.
Thanks I'll give this a go first, I'm not scared of hard work and I want to be as gentle as possible. When you say a soft brush, as we talking a nylon almost sweeping up brush, or more like a nylon scrubbing brush ?
Many thanks so ill try with a pre wash, lux flakes in water, soft brush and wash, any idea what the orange colour is ? I can understand the dark mold bits, but why has it gone a reddy orange.
You have scaped finish render(scratch Render). This is a through coloured monocouche render, scraped back with a nail float to achieve the texture as in your photo.

Do not jet wash this, with anything other than the lowest setting, you will risk exposing the grain through pigment removal and also destabilising the surface of the render.

As previously said, soft broom with warm water, to gently agitate the growth and remove surface debis, followed by a light rinse.

Any fungicide/algicide will do, just read the label to make sure it fits the bill

The red/orange staining,(and this has come from a technical director from a well known render manufacturer) is down to an Algae found in the Sahara, blown on the wind, this is their reasoning for any staining on their product, not mine before the forum jump on me!
Amazing explanation, the sahara algae, has to be correct as you couldn't make that up :) what a forum many thanks
I have the red staining before, it was from the condensing pipe of a boiler. Brick acid did it but it was on white cement and white dash.

A fungicide or Algicide but get it in clear if you can. The darker fungicides can stain.

SPS sells 1 litre of Algicide for about £30 + vat + courier. Makes up 20 litres. Probably way more than you need but it should keep. Stocked in Stoke and Wales.
Many thanks, the red staining is really strange as it only appears on some lower parts of the bungalow, I like the sahara explanation better though :) Can I just add I have been to many forums for diy over the past couple of years and this is by far the most friendly and useful, keep up the excellent work
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